
@DrCoffee: It's their right, both as parent and as the heads of a charity to dictate how the money should be spent. Besides, you can buy more for your money when buying Windows PCs versus buying Apple products. Heck, you can buy 3 netbooks for the same price as a macbook. If would-be recipents don't like it, they

@rxe7en: There have been many rumors about a Zune HD2 coming out. My guess / hope is that it would be based on the WP7 OS, but nobody knows for sure. If the OS takes off, I also wouldn't be surprised to see a WP7-based tablet in a 18 months or so.

George Lucas owes an eternal debt of gratitude to one person - John Williams. Without the (greatest-ever-written) soundtrack, Star Wars would have been labeled a B-movie at best and there would not have been any sequels. Heck, even Episode I was saved by Williams with that amazing Duel of the Fates scoring.

Dumb question... if this happens fairly regularly, isn't there a way to harness this (free) electricity? Would it be worth the cost of the equipment needed to do so?

"Luckily, since tweens are incredibly stupid and unmotivated, they'll never figure out ways to get around content-blocking, like using different words, or, say, picking up the phone and calling their sext-objects."

@Lu10ntDn: Oh, and I own a Zune HD and have been a Zune Pass subscriber for about 9 months. I absolutely love my Zune's Metro UI and the monthly subscription service. I can't even imagine how much money I would have needed to spend in the iTunes store for the 1100+ albums I currently have in my Zune library.

I've been a .NET developer for 8 years and currently do all my work in Silverlight and WPF. I've started messing around with the the final build of the WP7 dev tools and since they're fully integrated into Visual Studio 2010, they're an absolute joy. My Verizon contract isn't up until April which seems to be perfect

@zelannii: People said the same thing about Android when it first came out (that it would fail miserably). Like with any technology, major players hold off on "support" until a critical mass is achieved. I saw this with DVD and Blu-Ray. Some of the best content (movies) didn't exist until years after the technology

@zelannii: of course, the big FAIL here is Microsoft should have allowed for external storage. I'm still not sure why they didn't, unless it had to do with application security.

@zelannii: you somewhat validate my point though. I think Microsoft's perspective is you could eliminate 9GB of music, all of your podcasts and your photo albums since all that stuff would exist "in the cloud" and could be streamed "on demand". True, apps take up space and recording video will chew up space until

Folks are saying that 8GB isn't much for a multimedia phone, but if most of the content played is received via streaming, 8 GB seems like overkill to me (a current ZunePass subscriber).