
Rumor has it that Tesla is in the market for a new spaceship-shaped HQ too...

When are folks going to realize that the POTUS is NOT accountable to the press. He or she is accountable to the American people. I for one wish most major media organizations would just go away since they’re so biased and don’t represent most of America.

Regarding the “landscape” view... I don’t know about you but my natural position for 8 hours a day is with my hands out directly in front of me, hovering over a keyboard. The Microsoft Band’s screen lines up perfectly with my eyes in that position without having to bend an arm in 90 degrees. For other times such as

Am I the only one to notice that most of the “record warmest” areas are over open water? And most of the cooler than average places are in China? Makes me think some assumptions as to why things are warming up are incorrect. Has anyone bothered to look at subterranean earthquake activity? Maybe the seas are warming on

Until they support epub format, I'll never buy one.

And then there’s Vendyl Jones, who at one point claimed he was the real-life inspiration for Indiana Jones. Searching for biblical artifacts in Israel, had same last name and 3 letters of his first name shared with "Indy", etc., etc. The filmmakers deny it, but I don't buy it.

You do realize that the same could be said for any idiots who live in NYC, Savannah, Virginia Beach, Boston, etc.

Except that Here Maps has been out for Windows Phone for years. So the "amazing apps" made it to iOS last...

"the only thing I can think of is that FaceTime's using some sort of more intensive compression to maintain video quality over 3G."

I read and comment on technology news. it just so happens that the last two days have been mostly about Apple.

A very simple reason. Apple traditionally holds back new functionality from hardware more than one generation old to force people to upgrade their hardware. I'm sure it's purely a marketing decision and not a technical one. One of the reasons I hate Apple...

I wonder how the couple on the far left made it back across without getting wet. I'll bet the guy offered to jump in but the girl...

"Because it pulls its information from user reviews around the world, it's easy to see why the Lumia would come out on top. The device's recent release implies a recent onslaught of positivity, and Nokia fans are not exactly a silent minority."

Joffrey is certainly Chaotic Evil whereas I think The Hound would be considered lawful Evil. His "law" is following the King's orders.

People looking for a good sci-fi series with a strong female lead should check out Ann Aguirre's Sirantha Jax series (Grimspace, Wanderlust, Doubleblind, etc.). Quite good, in my opinion.

Great, so greedy folks today intercept an asteroid, take enough material from it to shift its orbit slightly and the next time around it smashes dead on with the earth.

Personally, I don't think word structure has much to do with it, other than it's usually something simple. To me, the most memorable lines always fall into these categories:

No surprise to me. MS has been showing this kind of love since the original Zune 30s. How many other companies keep issuing software updates for even the first gen models until the entire product line is retired? Looking forward to WP8 on my Trophy...

Really? This is what Giz has become?

Using the ConnectivityShortcuts app for WP7, one can get direct access to Wifi, Bluetooth, Airplane Mode, and Cellular service from live tiles. Just sayin'...