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    My classmate & friend from high school did the music for this. Would love a remaster!

    I’d like to see Vagrant Story, knowing a sequel is never going to happen.

    This sounds like the Mario Odyssey/Sombrero thing all over again.  

    Yeah, maybe the criticism seemed to a bit much (entitled?) but the non-defensive response really went a long way with me. Whatever it takes to avoid what happened to Mighty No. 9 I’m on board with. I almost backed Mighty No. 9 (glad I didn’t) and I’m backing this. I’m ok waiting a little longer for this.

    Is this one of those ASMR videos I’ve been hearing about?

    Former gymnast, acknowledged the abuse, experience with other governing bodies... 

    Weird how she wasn’t the primary candidate to begin with...just putting it out there.

    Oooooohhhhhh...Senator Hirono is up!!! Bring the heat, Senator!!

    “The funny thing about the Raiders is that they’ll treat any has-been like a king, and yet when it comes to their own home-grown players, Mark Davis suddenly remembers that he’s the poorest owner in football...”

    This news is really deflating having watched the Cascadia Mod project.

    Same! Every single DVD release day was a trip to Fry’s or sometimes Best Buy!

    I think it’s definitely earned its place among the pantheon of anime that is considered “enduring.” I’m sure many will split hairs over what is considered “best” but I am confidant that Bebop is consistently mentioned in nearly every such conversation.

    It just sounds like Beşiktaş (who have existed for quite some time and understand football player transfers/contracts) fleeced Orlando (who have not been around for very long and somehow think the American soccer contract is different than any other league) out of a young player. 2.3 mil seems like chump change for a

    First, I’m glad nobody was hurt (driver or spectators). Second, I get a kick out of someone’s hubris leading to a wrecked car. Helluva show you put on for the people, buddy.

    Front end = “I am totally excited to drive this car!”
    Back end = “I have crushing anxiety because I am driving this car!”

    Soooo...it takes 2 American robots to beat 1 Japanese robot. The American team “won”(?) because the second robot was bigger and had other weapons. Great 2-1 victory...I’d do a slow golf clap but I’ve already wasted too much time on this.

    Oh well...guess we’re just stuck ignoring PA like that weird kid in the back of the class.

    I could see why. PA has been around for such a long time and they’re consistent in churning out the comics. All of the ones you have here are really cool and then I get to PA and think “these unfunny jerks again?” Also, what happened to their art style?

    Anyhow, I’ve enjoyed Critical Miss from The Escapist, but

    ...any hope in eventually phasing out Penny Arcade?

    “FUCKY Obama Ou”...is that the same as “DON’T DEAD OPEN INSIDE?”