Rob Ford's Bloated Corpse

Did you play Enslaved?

Its actually selling like gangbusters. Currently second of the season against Owari.

The Noriko/Gunbuster pose is so great.

Thats a perfect GIF actually.

He’s also a 3 pack a day smoker. I really hope he doesnt kill himself.

The 2nd episode from the Second Season is still my favorite.

They got rid of the locked case thing a long time ago. If you get a drop its free to open.

Haha don’t worry no ill intent towards Strike Witches. I love it too.

I used to be in the exact same camp, but I was convinced to watch it because I would be a hypocrite if I complained about something by only the picture or clips I’ve seen. I would argue and post pictures to prove my point. But I HATE spoilers. So to each there own. I can’t make you like it, but I can tell you that I


Stay mad. Its pretty obvious he was judging it off some pictures without actually trying to watch the show. So its in my opinion that he gets no opinion until he has seen it.

Except everything you listed is what makes One Piece so great. The characters and the characters design. No two are alike, each are carefully crafted and back story created by Oda. Absolutely no samefacing(unlike the picture below) here. Also One Piece is far from drawn out, the world is so vast and the story so

Oda does this because he wants to, more money doesnt mean anything if hes worth over 100 million. He doesnt wanna work 15 hour day for more money at this point. That’s not the motivation.

The world of One Piece is vast and expansive. Its not even close to dragging its feet. Why would Oda drag his feet? He has made 20+ million a year for over 5 years. If he didn’t have a story to tell he wouldn’t be making it. You are seriously ill.

That’s not even remotely what its about. You may have down syndrome if that’s why you think its long.

Agreed. You’re just bad at them.

Your double negative game is bad. Learn to speak.

Im glad you are disgusted with yourself. You should be. But now my job is done. At least now you understand you have terrible taste.

Yes mad.