
I think it is the use of “It’s terrible but she sucks” (paraphrasing here). The “but” is kind of a condoning word. A better way would have been “No matter how bad she is, she doesn’t deserve rape threats.” See the difference? It also takes away from the point. You can not like someone without threatening them.

In the comments section of an article about her receiving threats online, yes, derailing it to talk about how good she is at or job or how attractive you find her to be is a fun mixture of both ignorance and stupidity. You made your point about both, and frankly, you've shown your ass enough for one day. Kindly shut

You may not want to hear this, but crude jokes, if they ever let the ideas of violence to or sexually objectifying women slide as funny, are part of the problem. They may be jokes to you that you’d never target at someone, but the guy you’re laughing with may be the kind of scumbag who writes these things and sees

“People know harassment is bad,” he said, commenting on a journalist’s appearance.

Can’t remember if it was the Reply All podcast, but there was a story about a female writer getting rape threats on Twitter. She found out who it was and contacted the kid’s mom. The troll turned out to be some 14-year-old who was super embarrassed and ashamed when he got called out. It was great.

HEY DUDES WHO WERE ALL “WHAT CAN I DO? HOW CAN I STOP THIS?” UPTHREAD. COME GET YOUR BRO. you really think this is the time for that? Or that anyone gives a shit? Did you just watch that video, of people saying the most violent terrible shit to her and think “This would be a good time to say she sucks!!”. What the hell is wrong with you?

Perhaps it`s not the vast majority of men tweeting shit like this, but it is the vast majority of women who are the recipients, for doing nothing more than expressing an opinion or doing their actual jobs.

It’s happened to me so many times that I’m starting to wonder if it’s not the minority.

it makes us mad cause this article is not about whether or not Sarah Spain is good at her job. that’s not up for debate here.

why don’t you just walk yourself up to a wall and repeat it to your hearts content? then maybe the rest of the commenters can have a conversation about what this article is actually about.

While I get your point, getting called an “animal” sounds pretty fucking personal to me. Just be careful not to diminish racism in an attempt to underscore what a problem sexism is. Apples and oranges.

who cares, that’s not what this article is about

But look at you, not threatening to rape/murder her because you don’t like her. It’s almost as if that was an easy thing to do!

The people who believe that can assert their opinion without talking about raping and murdering her, though.

And this isn’t just sports reporters that face this harassment. This is happening to all women, all day online. All. Fucking. Women. All. Fucking. Day.

It takes two, and yet most people on here and in the media are directing all the vitriol to only one: the single one. The one that didn’t cheat on her spouse. Meanwhile, Jay Z and Beyonce are both making a shitload of money on Tidal with this album. The only one to come out looking really bad in other people’s eyes is