If someone hates the electoral college, than making a mockery of it without changing actual results is a logical thing to do.
If someone hates the electoral college, than making a mockery of it without changing actual results is a logical thing to do.
Nebraska isn't proportional, it's by Congressional district. Same with Maine. Clinton tried and failed to pick off the one semi-liberal district in Nebraka (Omaha, basically), while Trump successfully won the 2nd district of Maine, centered on the rural North.
I convinced my Democratic parents to vote for Rubio in Virginia, because he was the top competitor to Trump in that state and Clinton was a shoo in. I still feel this was a moral and well-informed choice, since Virginia has open primaries and no party registration.
The novel was about the ideal that military service is the ultimate form of patriotism, and a prerequisite for true citizenship. Trump, as a draft avoider, is the antithesis of that ideal.
Eh, FX has been pretty good about giving creators the space they need. It's also had a good track record in general.
Andrew Breitbart wouldn't have approved of what his site turned into. Even long-time traditional right wingers like Ben Shapiro left when it became a full fledged mouthpiece of the Trump campaign.
I don't think Cruz could win against Clinton, but I don't think the bottom would have fallen out either. We wouldn't be talking about the GOP losing Georgia, Texas, Utah, etc. It would be the same trench warfare of 2004 and 2012.
His policies are basically just boilerplate Republican think tank policies. Like, he was the policy guy for the House Republicans a while back, so he supports the old Paul Ryan tax flattening plan. But he's pro-refugee, pro path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, etc.
Eh, if faced with a President Cynthia McKinney, I would rather go for a former high ranking military officer, or a former cabinet appointee, or a random bureaucrat, or a guy dragged off the street. I suspect people on the other side would say the same of a President Steve King or Michele Bachmann.
Yeah. While in some ways this election has shown that crazy unpredictable stuff can happen, it other ways it has show that long-held facts of political science still apply.
I predicted Trump had no path to a general election victory back in March/April, because of lack of crossover appeal in places like Virginia and Florida, and over the summer I never saw reason to question that belief. Even before the recent scandals, the old scandals and general unlikability meant Trump was on track…
What? Ted Cruz was never elected to any partisan-drawn district. He was only elected statewide in Texas. The Senate seats can't be gerrymandered.
That doesn't make any sense, Congress is a co-equal branch of government to the presidency.
It's partially gerrymandering, partially natural self-sorting of Democrats. Super blue districts in cities are a very inefficient distribution of Democratic voters, but they're inevitable in some states no matter who is drawing the lines.
I have to take issue with the Mariana Islands clue. First of all, the Mariana Islands isn't a political entity. It's an island chain divided into two US territories: the Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. Referring to just the NMI as the Mariana Islands excludes most people in the region and is generally incorrect…
I guess this gimmick is mostly just making fun of idiots, but it also serves as a sobering reminder that we're basically a few bad turns away from full-on fascism. There's a solid minority of the population that would be totally in favor of that sort of thing, and we always need to make sure they don't somehow slip…
Past Republican nominees didn't support birtherism, they didn't support barring people from immigrating to the US based on religious tests, and they didn't support deliberately killing the families of terrorists. Trump is bad in ways other Republicans were not bad, and the media doesn't have any obligation to treat…
I saw the extended finale for Battlestar Galactica (2004) with my dad. All 3 hours in one sitting. It was his first time watching the series, and my second time. The finale, like the series as a whole, is flawed but magnificent. My dad loved it, and especially appreciated the resolution with Head Six.
I'm pretty sure Mike Huckabee said that 8 years ago. It's like pundits said the other day, Democrats are taking and refashioning the best parts of the GOP platform. (Strong defense, standing up to Russia specifically, Shining City on a Hill, etc.)