That Sony F505 took some really good quality pictures for only being 2MP. I think I still have mine around the house somewhere...
That Sony F505 took some really good quality pictures for only being 2MP. I think I still have mine around the house somewhere...
I wouldn't buy it. It's an auto :(
Where the fuck was this article two years ago? My most recent ex and I were the same way. I dominated, she caught me leveling the playing field, relationship went downhill. Truth is, shen ever stood a chance because she is bad at thinking not aiming. Never knew how to prioritize targets or stay on the objective.
Wow, one of the routes goes within a quarter of a mile of my house. I can SEE it from my living room. Who's got the marshmallows?
It should be 8===D so every time it scrolls by on the ticker the internets can have a laugh.
Glad to see my gaming PC will STILL be faster than the 720 when it is released. Too bad my PC was built almost two years before the projected release date.
Awesome. Now all rioters need is some X and some shitty techno and it's a straight-up party.
I am grandfathered in on a 4S and I have used about a gig of data so far this month. Most of what I do cannot be done on unsecured wifi so I am left to use 3G a lot of the time. So far, I haven't noticed any throttling, but I'm sure I will towards the end of the month.
I played CS and Quake pretty competitively and was actually at the CGS draft the year after the Playboy Mansion event (damn!) and I loved it all. Sure, I lived with my mom, had not graduated college yet, and couldn't get laid to save my life because I was playing like 12-16hrs a day, but I wouldn't trade it either.…
I outran a train on the freeway this week. Suck it, Giz.
Seriously. It's not like it is hard to fake where your IP is coming from or being a citizen in the first place. I got a burrito today for lunch from a guy who was doing a good job of it.
I was hoping I would be able to find a good video store. I have had these video tapes forever and I need to return them.
This phone has a hinge. Give me a model and I will destroy that hinge and make it two bricks instead of one.
I just love how even though they present to me the people who are online but hide more than half of them. So of my 69 friends online right now (giggity), I see about 20 and none of them are people I give a shit to talk to. Nice try, Facebook. You will need to do better if you don't want Google to hand you your ass for…
My PC boots way faster than my Mac for the number 1 reason in this list: It has an SSD. The SSD is the single most effective way to make your system feel faster, but they do come with their own set of issues. They are not quite as reliable as HDDs (anyone who wants to argue, I have seen 12 failed OCZ drives and a…
The University I work for has implemented the BPOS older brother of Office365 mainly since 365 was not out yet, we're upgrading now actually. From what I can tell, the online apps are snappy and very user friendly, however my experience is limited to Outlook Web Access. Editing Word and Excel documents? Psh, I have…
Gauges don't mean shit when you're going so fast they become irrelevant.
I hate computers in cars. I recently had to go from my trusty 1993 honda del sol to an 04 Mazda 3 and there is just too much bullshit in the way of me driving. I loved the honda because the whole thing was just pedals, a wheel, a shifter, a stereo with 3 working speakers, and an engine. I miss it so much because it…
At first this whole lulzsec thing wreaked of scriptkiddies with ego trips, but I am happy they attacked this state. Living here does feel like a police state at times, especially if you are brown.