I’d argue the basic definition of cosplay is simply the act of recreating the appearance/costume of a fictional character. And that the term is all-encompassing, meaning it applies across both amateur and now professional works.
I’d argue the basic definition of cosplay is simply the act of recreating the appearance/costume of a fictional character. And that the term is all-encompassing, meaning it applies across both amateur and now professional works.
Evening beautiful Jezzies...Craft Thread!
Yes, it has probably been a year since Kotaku made the decision to cover mainstream esports news, they even made a featured announcement.
I mean what exactly are they supposed to do? Most anchors under a major organization umbrella (like sinclair) are under contract, and if they break rank they will be financially ruined and possibly even opening themselves up to legal liability.
I mean we are talking long-term lawsuits that individuals would never be…
She’s on Netflix. Didn’t even need to crack open the almanac.
Sheever is so good at getting players to come out of their shells, was glad to see her back at DreamLeague.
If you haven’t seen it, you should watch John Oliver’s “report” on this:
Favorite: Thor Ragnarok. For finally figuring out how to make a good Thor movie.
I’ve been applying this method with my youngest son for a few weeks now, and it seems moderately successful:
Me: “Come on into the kitchen so we can fight about what you’re going to take to school for lunch today.”
Him: “Why are we going to fight?”
If you do choose to pay with a credit card but leave a cash tip, PLEASE remember to write “cash” in the tip line on your receipt, so your server doesn’t think you stiffed him or her.
Jesus Christ is it 1993 still? Hasn’t this “link” been debunked numerous times by now, if I recall right, if anything violent games act as more of a release for pent up aggression. But by all means, lets point fingers at pointless topics to obfuscate the real issue. I’m so sick of all this #winning...
And do what exactly? Tell them they can’t make violent games anymore? Let’s just get rid of violent movies or tv shows then. Or here’s a novel idea: revise gun laws so a random teenager can’t buy it off the street and shoot his school to pieces.
You can’t tell Scalise that his idea would be “a whole new ball game.” He was fucking shot at a ball game.
If Obama had ever said anything remotely like “Take the guns first, go through due process second,” there would be flaming barricades going up on every street corner in Texas and Georgia.
“Thoughts and prayers.”
Fox & Friends?
“Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen.
I own both. Love them.
I own both. Love them.
Narcissism is a funny thing. It makes the sufferer desperately overcompensate for all the inadequacies they think they have, but doesn’t do anything about the ones of which they’re unaware. So the narcissist ends up being an odd mix of intensely defensive and utterly oblivious.
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.