
And this is why I respect him and Valve and dislike EA. His point from a successful business strategy is "let's empower you to make cool stuff people will buy, and we'll just share the revenue" while EA's strategy seems to be "get back in your cage and take another food pellet. You're just eyeballs and a wallet to

I don't because I still run an annual LAN party, and we just can't depend on 30 gamers to shell out for a new version. We gave up around BF2142. Honestly, we still play some BF2 since just about everyone has it and even older systems can run the game okay. Mostly though we play TF2, CS Source (though we might try

Now playing

For examples of how good a song cut to a trailer can be, see the ones for Bioshock Infinite (

Agreed, I think the montage isn't bad, and the song choice could be really good, but the way they cut the song didn't match or play off any of the footage, it just seemed kinda random. Also, why not use a cut version of the original instead of some generic rock cover?

Love it!

I'm loving this back and forth so far...

Yeah, I LOL'd...

I was going to tell Coulton I'm still waiting for Fox's apology for cancelling Firefly, Arrested Development, and Futurama. Since they haven't responded on those, I'm guessing he's going to be in line for a while...

What KmJe said, it's actually a really good inviting game and since it's just the one time fee, you're not feeling stuck if you play for a while and get tired of it. Also if you play long enough and work up all the stuff to make it, you can have a sword like this:

Internet you never disappoint...

Yeah, not sure where you got to be Catholic as a kid, but I had to drink grape juice too. But don't worry, I make up for it now... :)

I would gladly fork over £10/month for BBC content here in America. Sorry, BBC America just doesn't quite cut it considering we won't get the new season of Top Gear for another 4-6 months. It was the only reason we were keeping DirecTV and I finally just had to say no to the $80/month cost...

This, it's practically a new game from even 2 years ago...

Nice try EA, we know what you were really trying to do...

It's probably a custom model, looks like they aren't hard to import from Blender and other tools...

Indeed, damn that was good...

Ahem, watch this...

That's the Dude-brah list, not the "hardcore" list... :)

Not bad, would love to see a version with the boomer thong from L4D