
Depends, we kind of already knew you were a "Hoarders" and "Honey Boo Boo" fan... :)

Depends, we kind of already knew you were a "Hoarders" and "Honey Boo Boo" fan... :)

Cause 'merica!

Agreed. And seriously, posted an article pissing all over a big budget summer popcorn action flick based on "comic book" characters. When was the last time ANYONE thought that was going to be remotely realistic? All the big budget action flicks don't make a lick of sense, but there are ones that do it and are still

Definitely agreed on Bad Santa, my wife and I laugh so hard at that movie every time. We've got a lot of friends and family that just don't get that movie, so it's just our little holiday splurge. Hell, I even love reading Roger Ebert's review of Bad Santa, it's so damn funny....

Meh, could've been crazier...

Dog Fort. This is commando Rex. I got this shit.

This, not all cookie doughs work the same...

Yeah, I think it's better than FB in a lot of ways, but it's battling the incumbency factor of FB. If Google can get my mother and her friends to switch, they'll have it made, but it was hard enough getting them on social media to begin with. It may happen someday though...

I know of a new BFF for him...

Yup, I'm amazed at how many DSLR's get whipped out at daycare when there's a kids concert or something, and the bulk of those parents don't have the slightest idea how to use them.

North Korea GIF is best GIF!

Thanks, I freely admit my honky status... :)

He could've translated it into Funk and it would have been pretty good:

Gonna need some data to back that up. Also, that's probably more penance than anything for the crusades, spanish inquisition and such.

Well played...

Agreed, he uses couple of modifications including bread flour and a higher ratio of brown sugar to regular sugar. I switched to this recipe since he did that episode and everyone remarks at how good the cookies it produces are. I did switch back to AP flour on it, and haven't really noticed the difference though,

It is, and it's awesome both ways...

They're really a nice family otherwise, and it doesn't bother me enough to ask them to take it down, it's just one of those things where you drive through the neighborhood and roll your eyes... #firstworldproblems