I guess Tim Cook read "The Toaster Project" and took it literally...
I guess Tim Cook read "The Toaster Project" and took it literally...
I hadn't seen this in a long time, and never did get around to playing Borderlands, but damn that's a cool intro. Reminds me also of the ending of Tropic Thunder (really gets going about 1:20 in)
Was that the Goonies at 2:45? :)
I'll give it a try on my laptop that's hooked up to the TV tomorrow, look cool!
The best part about the original Iron Chef was the drinking games. Who's gonna be the Chairman?
Now there's some proper trolling... :)
It's also got a bow tie...
Only $14.75 for beer?
BTW, that look on his face with the goggles on? That's "excited" Vladmir...
I'll be in my bunk... :)
I must admit, I'm still curious about the logistics of traveling to PAX or other shows to cosplay. Do most folks bring their costume and accessories on the plane? Do they fedex everything ahead of time? How do you explain the giant sword or fake gun to the TSA/Airport staff? Hell, can you have a suit of armor in…
I was kinda bummed not to see a pick for a podcast app for Android now that Google Listen is heading out to pasture. Anyone have a recommendation that integrates well with Google Reader?
They do have microtransactions and I believe have an auctionhouse setup similar to Diablo 3 for players...
I'm curious is what Rafalca thinks of this topic on Twitter. Not the funniest horse of course, but...
We played it with 3 full crews at my LAN party in July, and while it crashed a lot and was pretty unintuitive at times, it was crazy fun. Only had 1 projector though, so couldn't have everyone up on the big screen. I still think it's a pretty fun game, but I wish the helmsman could navigate in 3D...
More mana for me then!
According to the GW2 Wiki, it's an Indian Bhangra dance... Hard to find consistent examples on the web...