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They were just channeling Monty Python. Who knew?

Wait, the Joes flew Cobras?

Just like real porn, the F-35 is sexy as hell, more expensive than we were told up front, and that video finished before we did.

Because Internet. Oh, and hipsters...


Has anyone compared this to GroceryIQ? I definitely like the idea of combining a meal planner and list, along with keeping the ability to have the list sync'd on both my phone and my better half's...

That looks absolutely delicious, but damn she needs some knife safety training!


You guys win this article!

Still one of my favorites...

Meanwhile in the line for the Research in Motion packet...

Don't forget that page one reads:

HEY, this is a family thread. Let's not have that kind of salty talk... ;)

No, this is basically like Microsoft offering free distribution on Windows Phone 7. And I'm one of the few people who HAS a Windows Phone 7 device...


Not for lack of trying to beef up the catalog. F'n studios...

My friends Playstation is perfect, the online service for that is infallible.

- Checks to see if TF2 servers are up

If anything could make him bring the series back, it might just be a new cut of beef...