
Yup, much better than the posted one...

So you're saying we can observe the speed or position of the jury in this case, but not both?

Now playing

BTW, there's a few remixes out there, including this one that loops for 10 hours...

Nah, it was a photoshop...

Here's a senate report on the subject, actually looks like he's pretty bad at it...


Uhh, yeah....

I used to work for a restaurant chain, and most locations got 2 deliveries a week; generally Monday and Thursday, that way nothing was ever more than a few days old and we could get away with a smaller walk-in.

Businesses. If I can get a 4G signal in the area, but the best DSL is 384kbps (yes, we have locations like that), we're all for it. Also, it speeds up the ability to get broadband in when opening a new location, instead of waiting for the lead time of DSL/T1/Cable. I do agree though the caps are a PITA.

From reading the source site, it looks like some sort of metallic candle base that heats up surrounded by Chocolate Fondant...

So, not this anymore?

Short one for me: Turret Aria.

I thought I heard in a podcast they FPS-locked the client on purpose because they weren't pushing graphics yet. Could be wrong, but that's what I heard...

Skip the moly, we need explosive rounds over here...

Hell, short of actually playtesting the levels this looks like with the right optimization it could run on a tablet and be awesome.


They may be in need of food aid, but they clearly aren't in need of funk aid...

Man I loved that show. Is the source material (Takeshi's Castle) on Netflix?