Lt. Broccoli

What did I just say!?

Who was the playwright? Just from that clue, it must be Eugene O'Neill. I don't know anything about him except that he is a common trivia answer.

There is a commercial using that song where a kid looks like he's ignoring everyone but he's actually making a Christmas video on his phone…I assume it's a commercial for the phone, whatever it is. Makes me cry…I hate it.

In French, Home Alone is called "Mom, I Missed the Plane." Home Alone 2 is called "Mom, I Missed the Plane Again", even though he doesn't miss the plane in that one. (Although I suppose "rater l'avion" can also be taken mean "fail to get on the correct plane".)

I love outdoor games! It is admittedly pretty ridiculous to have one at Dodger Stadium, but I am goofily excited about the Leafs-Red Wings game.

Maybe my memory of this is exaggerated, but doesn't he die when a car flies through the air and crushes him? It seemed so preposterous that I couldn't accept the rest of the movie.

I hate that movie, partially because I watched it on a date with an ex-girlfriend in a very poorly thought-out attempt to try to get back together.

What a story, uselessbeauty!

It was an Alan Rickman weekend, with Die Hard and a Harry Potter marathon.

Really? I think there is. On HIMYM she sounds like herself in real life, Willow/Michelle doesn't sound like her at all.

Is Doctor Who really popular enough in the US to support that?

I thought that was someone doing a bad Madonna impression for awhile.

It sounded more like part-Willow part-Michelle from American Pie impression, not an impression of Hannigan herself.

He does actually (at least, on Who Do You Think You Are)

I thought maybe he played DMX, then I thought "wow Lt. Broccoli, that's kinda racist"

For 90% of that skit I was sure it was someone doing a bad Madonna impression.

Lt. Hawk in First Contact was supposed to be gay…somehow. Maybe it's in the novelization.

Maybe Fallon won't corpse this time! …oh, no, nevermind.

Switchfoot is the worst band I have ever heard, aside from that Creed cover band I saw once.