Lt. Carl Gallagher

They had to wait for someone to leak it.

I’m not sure about that. Once Trump takes the oath of office, his usefulness to the Party diminishes greatly. Today, they can’t move against him, because he’s just the President-Elect; but on January 21, the GOP has a hardcore loyalist in Mike Pence ready and waiting to move into the Oval Office if Trump steps out


Kind of a knee jerk reaction, if you ask me

I don’t find the Clinton example ironic. I think it is correct. And, if Kushner had any relevant experience or expertise, I would not have a problem with this. The issue is not nepotism so much as lack of qualifications. He is as unqualified as a number of Trump appointees- is Bannon more acceptable because he is a

It isn’t about making things better for themselves, it’s about making things worse for everyone else.

Until you realize that they all file for SSD and the blue states - you know, the ones that actually make money - have to pay the bill.

The narrative of “Abortion is bad, because my mom could have had an abortion but she didn’t and so I exist!” is terrible enough without being like “See, good things can come out of rape!” while pointing at your own self.

Porque no los dos?

One is cruel, calculating, emotionless and will lead to the downfall of humanity... and the other was in a James Cameron movie.

Hot take: Klay Thompson is their second-best player.

And how we will pay for all the babies that parents can’t afford? And pay for their future incarceration! I don’t want to pay for that. Abort them quickly, imo!

Like, does he (and every other buttfaced Republican), not understand that PP offers more services other than abortions? JFC!!

“They die in the street, hopefully not before finding Jesus first. Next question.”

b-b-b-b-but TEH SOSHULIZMS!!!!1

I would only do this to make my child eventually feel uncomfortable once they were old enough to realize what it was.

What? I’ve asked people and where’s the baby? about their ultrasounds, some get quite huffy about it. How dare you not instantly recognize their embryo!