I own a store that heavily sells Magic product and singles. If you love your wallet, run far away.
I own a store that heavily sells Magic product and singles. If you love your wallet, run far away.
Been using a Samsung CHG90 for the past year and a half, would not want to go back to any other format personally. Well worth it.
I’ve been considering selling my truck for awhile, it has all this stuff and more going on and this Tahoe has bidding near what I’d like to get for it. Might be time finally.
I may actually play this again if the hilariously large but low resolution on my CHG90 is supported.
I rebadged mine too, I just like the way it looks better with the Holden badges. Have not done the airbag yet though.
Luckily they have a do-it-yourself crate motor to fix the problem.
I remember hearing about that Burlington, WA meet (I am 25 miles from there) and being glad I didn’t bother going.
Based on what is done it should be right at 700 HP to the crank, but there are no AWD dynos anywhere near me that I have found so I can’t get numbers unfortunately.
I obviously missed this reply a couple weeks ago, but I have it in a 2003 Silverado SS.
I already did most of that in the truck (no blower), not sure I want to go through it again in the car.
Came back yesterday. Everyone even slightly interested should get it on soon, there aren’t a ton of them left.
I am a Chevy guy normally but I had a 1987 Mark VII LSC for awhile that was the same gold color as the above photo. As a cheap daily, was really comfortable and a very solid car for me considering it was a $500 beater with 200k miles. The 5.0 HO in it was pretty peppy too.
I was so close to getting one of these, but the 20% off deal on my 2017 Chevy SS pulled me away.
What if your car only has one trim level? (Chevrolet SS)
Why would it be illegal to rebadge a car you own?