Long Standing Ovation

Yes, thank you (except for the sexist stuff)! I will not buy this "nothing else is around/open, etc." bullshit. Go buy some Boar's Head, stick it in your fridge, and use that when Subway is the only place open.


I will never, *ever* understand why people go to Subway. I just had a friend visit me in NYC and introduced her to the bodega sandwich. Mind: blown. Turkey and swiss, spicy mustard and a little lettuce on a hero, for $6. Beats the crap out of anything a shithole Subway has to offer.

There he is! Beating that dead horse!!

So happy for him, but god I miss O'Neil…

Their guesses were close enough to imply that they were thinking 8x8. They would have been grossly off if they were thinking 9x9, or 7x7, etc…

There's an issue with words like "super" and "masterful" 'round these parts…

Ron Perlman donning full Hellboy makeup FTW.

*plays "Come with Me"*

There is no single TV event I am or have ever been more excited for, than season 3 of Hannibal. Ok, maybe the final season of Fringe.

Good god I almost missed that…

Yes I know what you are saying. You don't have to keep repeating yourself.

liked for usage of 'gams'