
No, but it could happen in a community of poor whites- Appalachians, etc.

It’s a class issue more than a race issue- as evidenced by the mountain top removal stuff in east Kentucky, Love Canal, Three Mile Island, etc- all of which have affected poor whites. That said, since blacks are exponentially poorer than whites by percentage, it kind of becomes a race issue to some.

I try to keep things very clean and non pornographic online. I wouldn’t want to offend anyone.

But I really feel that the white family made the right decision in the end by accepting the black man as their son in law.

For its time, it was an excellent movie.

Kind of like The Cobsy Show. They should have a TV show like that.

That’s so true. Will Smith, Chris Rock and Denzyl Washington are all 75% Italian. Sure, they have some black in there, but they’re all mostly white guys posing.