

If you really look closely at his eyes on that dunk, you can see The Golden State Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals.

I wouldn’t excuse the driver, either. He’s a dick. They’re both dicks. Everyone’s a dick.

If you’re not from Brazil, it’s hard to understand the magnitude of this tragedy.

“International Federation of Bodybuilding president Rafael Santonja”

(Radio guy hates John Wall because his father was absent.)

Wish? Pffftt! My brother actually executed professional ruin on the john wall after Taco Tuesday.

To be fair to Belichick, fuck Tim Tebow.

“I respect you and I want to fit in. I want to be one of the guys. Should I do it?”

He should be banned from the sidelines. Put some goggles and a helmet on that motherfucker and line him up at tailback.

Damn, he just turned him into Mason Prunelee!

“Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people because it alienates rednecks.”

No, you’re the worst.

I haven’t seen an NHL player’s parents this excited about him making it big since Jack Johnson made his debut.

After seeing the movie as a kid, every time my grandmother tried to hug me, all I could see was Augrah’s boobs coming at me. And now I’m gay. The end.

If I was trapped in a room with those two and had a gun with only one bullet, I’d shoot myself.

This is literally the first time I have ever seen this gif without the good Senor going full Super Saiyan-2.

I have no idea what a fair assessment of Strong’s performance as coach is. But if college football were what it pretends to be, wouldn’t this basically be validation that he was having a positive impact in a lot of young student’s lives and, therefore, should be kept around?

...will reportedly replace him with retread Bruce Arena

Splinter is old and tired, a loser. Sad!