
Who has the higher likelihood of dying before the series wraps...Jon or Dany? Or do both make it to the end? The whole Azor Ahai prophecy would lead you to believe someone has to go. But Jon has technically already died and been reborn,= and you could argue the same about Dany having been “reborn” in the fire twice

What’s the more plausible outcome?

Eh I dunno if Russia will be able to just throw bodies at their opponents and hope to outlast them

Oh man, Germany and Italy! What a game that should be. It’s too bad they could never just combine forces. They’d absolutely run train on the rest of Europe.

Yinzer here. You forgot the I.C. Light

Definitely the unsound

I was wondering the same whilst also breathing a sigh of relief that he wouldn’t be slaughtered during the battle. I feel like he would almost certainly have been at the top of the Bolton hit list. I can imagine a few ways he could’ve been pretty handy though in saving Rickon and pulling Jon from corpse pit.

And yet there are people complaining about how predictable the outcome was and how it falls in line with all other fantasy narratives. Like, can we please just celebrate the fact that we get to keep Jon, Tormund, Ghost and Davos a little bit longer all while Sansa is becoming the Lady Stoneheart we all deserve?

I’ve already braced for the Sansa haters to come out this morning

Kunitz has always been one of those guys to “straddle” the line even since before he was a Penguin. I think it’s something that was kind of out of focus during the Matt Cooke and James Neal era because of how dirty those two were but I’ve definitely cringed more times than I can count watching some of Kunitz play and

Hadn’t thought of it that way and it seems ridiculous but now that we’re time traveling I guess that can’t be ruled out. Qyburn moves from reanimation to cybernetics?

Posted separately before seeing this but I’d love to see Wun Wun just pull his head off and take a little bit of spine with it or just pull him apart at the torso. That would be a satisfying quick death.

It’ll be somewhat underwhelming if I don’t get to see Wun Wun pull Ramsey’s head off with spine attached a la Mortal Kombat fatality. Or ripped in half at the torso. I will also be fucking done if Wun Wun is killed in the same season as Hodor

First hockey game I ever went to was at the Igloo in Pittsburgh circa 1995 and Kerry Fraser blew a few too many calls resulting in the crowd chanting “Fra-ser! Fra-ser! Fra-ser!” every time he blew the whistle for the remainder of the game. I have no idea why but ever since then(even though I’m a Pens fan and chanted

God I get anxiety every time they go up by 2 (especially when it’s 2-0) on anyone. It’s like they’re satisfied with what they accomplished and don’t want to push any further. It almost always comes back to bite them in the ass and when Karlsson scored last night it felt too familiar. Glad they’re finding ways to

-Phillies fans

Let’s not forget that liquor laws are pretty loose along the stretch of Florida to Texas. Not saying there’s any correlation, but this story wouldn’t even be third-page news coming out of that region. I don’t know what point I’m trying to make. I’m from PA and live in TX now and I drink a lot.

Neither does the Miami Gardens Dolphins