
Personally I was just waiting for his chair:

“Failed spectacularly” refers to the character, not the episode.

Given the prior episodes of “What If” and the comments thereto, I expected more pushback on the “Alternate reality,” sad Doctor.  The Ancient One literally explained what she did during the episode.

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I liked the meta end-credits scene on patience and the little, “how more of these?”

So...just the ending to Butterfly Effect?

Here’s the thing: Sam’s not good at this.

You asked about other meta-cameos, and I thought immediately that the dragon Bad Strange ate that looked exactly like a certain other role he’d voiced had to have been one.

My personal favorite MCU quote

Fridging is more when a romantic interest of a more prominent character (most commonly a female love interest of a male character, but not always, see Tara/Willow in BTVS) dies for no other reason than to benefit that leading character’s story.

I was really hoping for a neat situation where the only way to save Christine would be going back and time and reversing the What If premise by shutting her out of his life, driving alone, and wrecking his hands to create the timeline we know.

“If you disguise yourself as a past version of yourself and have sex with your past partner is it rape by deception?”

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A black paraplegic hero fights crime with an advanced tech suit and a whiz kid assistant — this is the stealth reboot of M.A.N.T.I.S. that I’ve always wanted.

Quick! I need 500 words of pointless bullshit! Light the Barsanti signal!

Yeah, just looked it up, and Frank Miller apparently introduced this location to the DC universe. So he gets the credit, not Gunn. It’s popped up in numerous stories, so it’s a regular thing.

Wasn’t it also where Vicki Vale had been photographing war atrocities before turning up in Batman 89?

Isn’t that also where the nuke was headed during DKR?

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My favorite King Shark is Ron Funches depiction in the Harley Quinn show. He manages to wrap up the beastly, the idiotic, and the funny sides of the character into one charming package.


He’s among the Sam Worthingtons and Jai Courtneys of the world to me, ie. the Boring Lead Men Who Must Be Stopped, although ironically it was the last Suicide Squad that actually almost took Courtney off that list for me, with his goofy scenery chewing Captain Boomerang.

As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one Batgirl, and her name is “Anyone but Alicia Silverstone”.