
His UFO spun out over the Sea of Japan. There were no survivors.

After reading about David Tennant’s return to Who, I figured I should probably finally get caught up. But after watching this two part story about nothing I don’t know if I can. I may just have to jump to the final episode of JW’s run. Chibnall’s era has been atrocious. 

I only have HBO Max because it comes with my AT&T internet service. If they cancel that deal there is no way I would independently pay for it. 

I’ll give him Foul Play, too. I always loved that movie. 

I own the book in hard cover and always really liked it. I remember being disappointed finding out that Chevy Chase was cast in the movie.

To be fair, MGM did think Americans would be too stupid to know what the word Revoked meant so they changed License Revoked to License to Kill.

This right here pisses me off. Who decided this?

Another game that should be on this list. 10/10

Will the two shows be related or are they completely separate?

I’m glad I never bothered to get back into the series after Anne Rice’s little Jesus bender. 

I don’t know. I haven’t read anything since the mid-80s and I barely remember anything from that time. :)

I didn’t think they could they could top the Daredevil walk of shame from the previous episode,  but her delivery of that line was <chef’s kiss>.

I loved the “When are the X-Men coming?” look referenced in the article but I also loved the “I smash fourth walls and bad endings. <lean in> And sometimes Matt Murdoch.”  That killed me. :D

I was cracking up. From the retro 70s Savage She-Hulk opening (I was a huge Bixby/Ferrigno TIH fan as a kid) to the K.E.V.I.N. to the “I smash fourth walls and bad endings. And sometimes Matt Murdoch. (nudge nudge wink wink).” Tatiana was awesome. Now I need to go back and finish watching Orphan Black.

That’s what I assumed it was. 🤓

What I miss most with the way shows are so serialized now is being able to randomly throw on an episode of a show and just enjoy it. For the most part I can pick a random season of Buffy and play a random episode and watch. You can’t do that with a serialized show.

It’s the main reason I got one of those Oculus Quest 2 headsets.

Whenever some idiot’s cell phone goes off in the theater, or worse they answer it, I’m reminded that I more often than not hate the communal experience. I’ll still occasionally go to the theater but I’ll try to go to the earliest possible showing to minimize the number of idiots in the theater. 

“…it makes sense to not play that card before it had too.”

It was pretty forgettable. Strange is walking down the street. Charlize shows up. Strange opens his third eye and they take off through a portal.