
They weren’t just getting rid of SK. If I recall they were getting rid of one/some of the popular secondary characters. The ending was terrible. Just something tacked on when they realized renewing for another season was a terrible idea. But the show started to sink when Rick opened a detective agency. NF seems to be

I loved the UK original but I did like the US version, too. I own both on DVD. I thought the US ending was an interesting way to go. Face it, there is no way in hell American TV would let them end it the way the UK version ended. I wish they would finally release a region 1 set of Ashes to Ashes.

I would recommend binging it. I bought the Blu-Ray box set during an Amazon Day sale. I loved that show. And because each episode connects by the leap it’s fun to watch in binge mode (but you don’t have to. Most eps are stand alone.)

Al the Bartender???

I need to watch The Arrival again. I really liked it at the time but haven’t seen it in decades. My copy of it is a taped off cable VHS tape. 

Tom Jones exiting a desert cave and immediately having a falcon perch on his arm and deer swarm him.”

Love Mars Attacks so much. To this day when I hear something that annoys me I bark like a Martian and mime my head exploding.

Ha! That would be great if Netflix could fulfill the “six seasons and a movie” prophesy.

I always thought they would have been good as two movies. There and back again. When I heard they bumped it up to three it just reeked of “cash grab”. But having said that, I like them enough to have bought the extended edition blue rays on a Prime Day sale. 

Now playing

using written English alongside spoken English was a good way to teach an alien human language, considering how lousy English is at consistent written pronunciations (see: “moth” vs. “both,” “tough” vs. “though,” etc.).

Now playing

I liked Bob Chipman’s proposal for bringing the FF into the MCU.

Strong arm a PTA? I have no love for Disney’s domination of entertainment, but public performance rights have to be purchased. It’s not that complicated.

While I admit I never read Doctor Strange comics much at all, I love Sam Raimi and hope this happened. All three Raimi Spider-Man movies are at the top of my Spider-Man list with SM3 possibly edged out by Into the Spiderverse. 

“I’m Bad Strange. And you’re Good Strange.”

I never heard about the deleted footage. I’ll have to try Googling it. I own them all, too.

I have all the Buffy and Angel DVDs and they didn’t do anything special for the crossover eps. I think they were mostly stand-alone, though, so I can’t remember a situation where you started a story in one show and wouldn’t know how it ended. But it’s been a while since I did a full rewatch. 

I can’t speak to streaming services, but I just assumed Warner Brothers “doubledipped” and sold the crossover events in special DVD box sets in addition to each show’s individual complete seasons. Is that not the case?

I always liked The Pegasus. I need to do a TNG rewatch. It’s been too long.

I don’t think* he turned it down. I think MI:2 filming went long and he was forced to pass on Wolverine to finish MI:2.

Now I’m watching Delirious on YouTube. :)