Looks like you’re safe...for now. :)
Looks like you’re safe...for now. :)
At least with Prime, which I also have and I consider about 80% as good as Netflix, I get the free shipping from Amazon and it’s only like $6 a month ($70 annually)
Michael Caine about Jaws 4: I have never seen it but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built and it is terrific.
I’m not even sure Felicity has a job. I genuinely can’t remember what happened after she ran Palmer Tech into the ground.
I just watched this ep for the first time. The way the map was so oddly left there the first thing I thought of was “a smart bad guy would use the map as a non-conductor stuck between two electrical contacts on an IED so when the idiot from Team Arrow snatches it they blow themselves up.”
I loved King of the Hill. One of my favorite episodes is when Hank tries to teach Bobby the lesson of “smoking is bad” by making Bobby smoke a whole pack of cigarettes and he ends up getting hooked instead. Which also causes Peggy and Hank to fall off the cigarette wagon. My favorite scene is when Hank criticizes the…
Hi from December. Just finished the episode. After I finish JJ I still need to see DD season 3, LC season 2, and IF season 2. :(
Well I’m hoping that Into The Spider-Verse will be that movie
2018: Black Panther
Honestly, I still really enjoy the Ang Lee Hulk. I thought stylistically with the split screen effect, it was really cool. I love Sam Elliot’s Ross. The Hulk CGI hasn’t aged well, but I thought it was really good when it came out. In my head canon, it is still kinda part of the overall MCU. Isn’t the main reason there…
I liked Garfield’s quippier spiderman. That was the one element under-served in the Raimi movies. Once he puts the mask on, he’s feels free to make fun of people.
You were into Monty Python, but you never got into superheroes? Not even... Bicycle Repair Man! :)
It was such a chore to finish the last season of The Flash that I haven’t even started this season yet. I’ll probably watch the crossover event but has the new season improved at all?
Haven’t read any of the comments yet, but I didn’t pick up on any crush Malcolm may have had on Trish. I thought he was going to pick up on her signs of addiction and try to help. Him commenting on her messy eating seemed an out-of-the-blue set-up for him having a crush.
I’m not bothered one bit by this torrent of new streaming services. :|
Gotcha. We have a small budget, too, which is why I was hoping the pricing was per use based because that might not be too bad because we are also a small community with not a lot of broadband. But I might have to rethink my idea.
I’m actually thinking about letting Freegal go to free up the money for Hoopla and/or Kanopy. We only have like 6-8 people a month using Freegal. At least Hoopla and Kanopy appear to be “per use” priced so if only a few people use them we won’t pay as much. At least that’s how I understand it.
Is it pricey because you have a large population you serve and good broadband infrastructure? I just talked to a rep recently because I was considering getting it for my library, and it sounded like the pricing was all “per use”. I was considering it because my library is a smaller one and I suspect not many people in…