I would go so far as to add a Best Supporting Actress nomination for Dafne Keen. I thought she did a fantastic job, too.
I remember years ago renting a VHS of The Little Rascals and, in the episode where Spanky’s dad accidentally takes the gangs money and Spanky is hiding from the gang, at one point he (Spanky) gets made up in blackface and pretends to be Buckwheat, and Buckwheat’s mom doesn’t know it’s not him. I think Spanky even gets…
Yeah, in both movies the rich person screws the poor person out of money for work done and throws their tools/equipment overboard, and in both movies the poor person has the amnesiac rick jerk work off their debt. I don’t know why there is this need to make the first movie more sinister than it was.
I just watched the episode today and that’s exactly what I was thinking. I wanted Iris to be like, “Cisco, use the satellites to look for Barry. Ralph, hit the streets and look for Caitlin.”
Your use of “villain mac villain face” and “go yoink” made me literally laugh out loud. I say “yoink” all the time in real life. Stealing a fry off my friend’s plate? “Yoink!”
I thought Steppenwolf was generic, but I also think the CGI for Steppenwolf was not where it should have been for that prominent of a character. When I saw the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War with CGI Thanos, I was like “that’s how you do it”.
Hmm. Interesting question. In my own personal opinion, I’d probably say Logan, then Guardians 2, then Thor 3, then Spiderman Homecoming, then Wonder Woman, then Justice League. Although, the top three could probably change depending on my mood. I really did love Thor 3, so maybe that could be my favorite. I really…
Casablanca spoiler alert!!
It always makes me laugh whenever a movie has a big mystery character who wears a mask and then after the mystery is revealed to the audience never wears their mask again. What, did Hydra only have the one mask and when it was knocked off by Captain America they couldn’t afford another one? :)
Didn’t they also have the Hulk’s armor on display at ComiCon a year before the movie came out or something?
Ha! I watched the 3rd and 4th episodes back to back and after watching 3 I was like “why can’t Barry just repair Joe’s house super fast? He rebuilt CC Jitters completely.” And then in this episode he rebuilds Dibny’s detective office after the explosion. :)
Yeah, that was just goofy how he shot straight up and down instead of just flying off in the direction he was traveling.
Didn’t Barry once rebuild all of CC Jitters in like a day? Can’t he do some speed repairs on the house where he grew up? Not that I expect them to ever reference the house repairs again. It was mainly there for the bad luck montage. And, hell, it’s not like they worry about the repairs to STAR Labs after four years.
Okay, I get Iris was upset that Barry left but it wasn’t like he went to Opal City, dude had to go into the Speed Force, cut it out, Iris.
I can’t believe this episode got a B rating. I almost got ocular whiplash I was rolling my eyes so frequently. I used to love this show so much. I really hope it gets better.
I regret that I have but one star to give for this comment.
Polybius was also part of the recent Ernest Cline book Armada.