
Good point about The Master. Peter Pratt and Geoffrey Beevers were in all likelihood just deteriorated versions of the Roger Delgado Master. Or deteriorated versions of a single different regeneration. And Anthony Ainsley was not a regeneration.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen the second one, too. It’s possible I gave it too much credit just because I was so excited for the Silver Surfer. :)

I honestly didn’t hate the first two FF movies either. I liked Chris Evans as Johnny Storm and Michael Chiklis as The Thing. The other two actors were ok, nothing great but nothing awful. I thought it was funny that Chiklis apparently had the same clause in his contract that Tobey McGuire did, Tobey kept having his

I don’t think it’s an argument for never making any changes, it just forces the writers to work a little harder to establish why something new is happening. I get that sometimes writers want to skip over difficult exposition so they can get to the “good stuff”. Why have the Doctor spend 5 minutes explaining why he

I can’t speak for the original poster of the “20 years ago” comment, but I believe the general argument would be that if it happened earlier in the shows run, it would have been easier to explain it away as something we didn’t know about the Gallifreyan race. But the show has been on for 50+ years now. We’ve met many

That sounds similar to the Movie Bob idea that I just posted a link to. :)

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I don’t know if anyone else has seen the Movie Bob YouTube video about bringing the Fantastic Four into the MCU, but I thought it sounded like a pretty fun way to do it. :)

I don’t think the argument is that “because it’s never been done, it shouldn’t be done”. I think the argument is, “if you’re going to do it, do it in a way that makes sense within the rules that have been established for your fictional universe.”

That said, in “Night of the Doctor”, the Sisterhood *did* offer to make him a woman....

Jon Pertwee, reasoning that he was the most irreplaceable among them, volunteered to make the demand for more pay on everyone’s behalf, threatening to leave if producer Barry Letts didn’t give them all a raise.

My Sunday nights in high school in Chicago. 10p - Monty Python, 10:30p - Dave Allen at Large, 11p - Doctor Who. :)

My understanding was, he said coming back just for a regeneration scene wasn’t worth his time. But if they wanted to give him one more season that ended with him regenerating he would be happy to come back. They declined and he said...

The biggest mistake they made during the Baker era was also probably the most surprising: hiring Douglas Adams as a script editor.

Kamelion is annoying. I loved K-9. Man, I teared up when Sarah Jane and K-9 came back in School Reunion. :)

Maybe you just have a problem with strong women? if so, I’d suggest seeing a professional about that issue, since it will help you grow up a little.

I agree that times do change, but when a show has been on 50+ years I think you should try to adapt the show to the times in a way that fits in with the established history of the show.

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Romana’s “trying on” of different regenerations never included a male body. She started out wanting to use Princess Astra’s form from the final episode of the previous season, The Armageddon Factor. She then tried on various other female forms before returning to Lalla Ward. As far as I know, the gender flipping

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New Order - True Faith. But it was made by the same person who made the She Drives me Crazy Video.

I finally have a reason to use this GIF I made. :)