
That is the first thing that occurred to me as I read the above article. Ouch. :/

When I can’t find a gif I want I use imgflip to make my own. :)

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As a Buffy fan (happy 20 years) my expectations for musical episodes are very high and I don’t think Supergirl and Flash will be able to pull it off. Especially since it’s mostly covers. And especially since Flash has been pretty lame this season. But we’ll see. Even Scrubs pulled it off...

Also not a supervillain, but I thought Lou Gossit, Jr. did a great job with all his make-up in Enemy Mine.

I’d never say you were wrong. Your emotional response is yours and yours alone. It didn’t ruin it for me. The song always seemed to be about death and judgement day to me. And that seemed to fit. It wasn’t a somber or dour song but it did seem to be symbolically appropriate.

A post credits sequence would have absolutely ruined the emotional ending of the movie. The way it ended was devastatingly perfect.

If it’s any consolation you do get to see Deadpool’s buns beforehand.

I have most of the original run of What If. :)

What would a new superhero character created based on the trends of today look like?

I’d vote for “Well, I didn’t think it was a whale’s dick, honey.”

Maybe the next movie will Jurassic Park: 3000 where a face hugger impregnates a velociraptor and the resulting alien is a raptor-like alien (like the alien in Alien3 was dog like).

Yeah, I like it enough. I saw it in the theater and then saw the Ultimate Edition when it came out. I’ll watch it again, too.

Maybe they can find some stickers of Mack Bolan or Paul Kersey to use instead.


I always joked with friends that the first thing I would do if a zombie apocalypse happened would be to go to the closest motorcycle dealership and get one of those hard core suits that you could wipe out on the highway in and walk away. :)

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Maybe Patrick Duffy can make a cameo in the Sub Mariner show/movie. :)

Maxim: “Some people claim this is the greatest X-Men film, yet I feel those people are morons.”

Doing Dark Phoenix in Sophie Turner’s second X-Men movie makes about as much sense as doing the “Death of Spock/Kirk” in the second Trek reboot movie.

Did people really like this movie? I mean, it wasn’t the train wreck that Into Darkness was, but that’s not saying a whole lot. I guess of the three reboot movies, I would place it second but I think all the reboot movies are pretty lame.