
Just saw it last night. Maybe because I’ve seen two CGI Arnolds in the last two Terminator movies I’m just more tuned into it. I noticed. I was moderately impressed by Tarkin and less impressed by Leia. I think the CGI Arnold in Terminator: Genesis was better but, to be fair, I did _not_ see Genesis in a theater on a

Just saw the movie last night. I actually spent a good chunk of the movie wondering if Bodhi was a fake defector/double agent. I kept expecting some line like “here is the real message i’m delivering...” <Death Star fires> :)

I really enjoyed TFA awakens because it “felt” like Star Wars more than the prequels did. But I still think it rehashed ANH too much. And what you say about Kyle Renn getting his arse kicked is also one of my problems with it. They literally showed him halting a laser blast (I’m calling it a laser blast, i’m sure

This is staring to remind me of the scene in that “Jar Jar is a Smith Lord” video where they showed the clip of Jar Jar stumbling around and “accidentally” shooting the battle droids. :)

The first time I saw Sarah Connor 2.0 on the big screen doing pull-ups in her psych cell in T2 I was like “Holy shit, she got serious.”

Makes me think of the SNL fake car commercial for the Chamelion XLE luxury car. :)

I probably would have put Suicide Squad on this list instead of Batman v Superman.

Yes, I understand that they are two different articles by two different writers, but I still find it amusing that within a few headlines of each other are two of which says “...radically re-configuring key parts of the Batman mythos to give players a shockingly different take on the Dark Knight” as a

I tried recommending your post, but every time I clicked the star the counter went down. So I’ll just say, I agree with your post. I see the new Spider-Man as less of a nostalgia sequel like MIB 3 or Jurrasic World or Blade Runner 2 and more a standard comic book movie reboot.

I noticed that, too. It even looks like it has fingers that open up when it is fired.

Now I want someone to edit in a cyclist plowing into the door. :)

I really am looking forward to this, but I still love the Sam Raimi-Tobey Maguire movies. All three of them. Seeing this still makes me want to watch them again. I’ll have to do a marathon over the holidays.

Meh. I liked The Flash and Arrow episodes enough, but the Legends portion just didn’t make any sense at all. Really? The plan is to plant an individual pain chip on every single alien on the planet? And turn the “meta bomb” into water? And the characters on Legends are pretty ridiculous. I think I watched the first 2

Holy crap. I just watched the Arrow episode. I realized I’m more than one season behind. I’m about 5 episodes into season 3. I didn’t know who any of those new members of Team Arrow were. I had to look up the episode in IMDB to find out the character names and then look them up in Wikipedia. :/

Are we just talking about the webbing under his arms? If so, I was always under the impression that was just decorative. Is this going to give him some kind of base-jumping gliding ability? Is that something that was in the comics? If he is suddenly able to fly around like Falcon, my vote is no. I like my

Thanks, A.G.

Since I’m still stuck in the greys and my original post is apparently not being seen, I’ll repost it as a comment.

Can someone help me out? I haven’t read this article yet because I haven’t seen any of this week’s crossover shows yet. I really am only watching The Flash (I do watch Arrow but I’m a season behind) and I just finished watching Flash episode 7, Killer Frost. I assumed that it would end with some big event leading

“And again, nobody worships something lower than them.”

Meh. I don’t think it looks all that great either. I still haven’t watched last year’s Christmas special.