
I’m trying to get caught up with Arrow. I liked it when it first came out but I just didn’t have time to keep up with it. I started over a few months ago and am just about done with season 1. It’s a lot of fun. I heard season 2 is still good but that it gets a little shaky after that.

I’ve watched a few DC movie and TV trailers over the last couple days. Did they redo their logo again? I hope so. I thought the last one was a terrible design. I thought their classic one was much better. This new one is an improvement but still not as good as the classic one.

Oh, Christ. One comment in and i’m just going to walk away. I’m so tired of the “murderverse” hyperbole.

Not only to I love the four Leias, I love the photo caption.

It would be funny if Wonder Woman was the only character with bright color and everyone else was darkened like Snyder has done with Superman.

One of my favorite non-verbal jokes in the first movie... :)

I thought it was worse with the Terminator: Genisys trailers showing John Connor as a terminator. I thought that would have been a pretty cool twist that I probably would have not seen coming. So of course, they stuck it right in the trailer. :/

I always liked GB2, as well. My biggest problems with it are how they tried to make it more kid-friendly after the popularity of the Real Ghostbusters cartoon. Everyone smoked in the first movie and no one smoked in the second. Janine went looking like a normal, if 80s, person to some weird live action cartoon. But

I’m 31 and I believe alot of fans of the originals were really young back then. We love the movies because PROTON PACKS. Admit it, most of the humor fly above our heads, we only cared for the wonderful ghosts, the cool effects, we laughed at Slimer like he was Jar Jar Binks, Marshmallow Man was the shit. Then came

Obviously you don’t have as refined an understanding of how time works as Simon Pegg does. Don’t you know that events in the time stream ripple both forwards and backwards? :)

Yeah, this one didn’t help when I was a kid.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it, too, but rather than just updating the established look with better make-up effects Abrams felt he had to tweak it. I mean, yeah, they have forehead ridges but they just looked too different for my taste.

Canon? Reinvent Klingons twelve ways from Sunday, no prob. Sulu gay? Outrageous, says Takei!

In the 24th century, same-sex couples forming families through previous relationships, coparenting, adoption/fostering, donor insemination or surrogacy will somehow cease to exist?

Yeah, this is what I came to post, too.

I guess Terminator Genysis didn’t turn out to be the big break he hoped it would be. :)

Sulu had a wife in the original timeline...

Damn you, Nero, and your homosexual Romulan chemtrails! You turned Sulu!

I don’t know what it is about this poster, but it kinda doesn’t look like John Cho.