
I really like Don Cheadle, but not as Rhodey.

He was perfectly cast. It also has to help that RDJ doesn’t have to spend half the year working out to get absolutely ripped like Hugh Jackman does. Or Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth. :)

I’ve been binge watching Agents of SHIELD season 2 these past few weeks and it was fun seeing the epsiodes immediately before and after the release of Ultron. :)

Arnold is ironically the reason these movies keep failing, the studios insistence that he keep reprising a role he’s now way too old for is part of the lackluster stories they keep telling.

Phones have definitely made modern movie-going an unpleasant experience, but apparently theaters have always been full of idiots.

It’s pretty sad, but the last two seasons of Doctor Who have completely shut down my fandom for Who and the last two Star Trek movies have completely shut down my fandom for Trek. I haven’t even watched the final 2 or 3 episodes of Who and I almost totally forgot this movie was coming out, too.

Ben Affleck is playing Han Solo in a stand alone movie?!?

I wouldn’t say BvS only had one movie of lead up. I mean, yes, technically this shared universe only had the one Man of Steel movie, but they didn’t have to introduce Batman in a separate movie the way they had to introduce Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor because they had successful Batman movies prior. They were a different

Didn’t Sam Jackson do a Nick Fury cameo in season one of SHIELD?

I get it. I’m just saying, if the studio wants to cast someone a little younger I think CGM fits the look, has got some action comic book movie experience, and is a decent actor. She’ll be 22 in 2019, but they can say she’s older in the movie and that might give her a little more longevity in the role.

I love Katee. This is my alternate if they want to go with someone a little younger.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Spider-Man, Civil War, cool.

Isn’t muscle building a process of the body repairing itself? The more you work out (i.e. “damage” the muscles), the more the body repairs and builds muscle. With Cap’s super healing couldn't he theoretically get stronger faster? Maybe all the time he has spent at the gym post freeze has boosted his overall strength.

Dirty Dozen and Kelly’s Heroes are two of my favorites...but I am 46.

My wife is going on a business trip in a couple of weeks. I need to seriously binge watch season 2 of SHIELD. I’m only about a third of the way through.

In an alternate universe Nicolas Cage’s movie version of this was actually filmed. That and his Superman movie. What I would give to see those. :)

I have all my originals, too. But none are signed. :(

Ha! Well played, Sir. Well played. :)

Yeah, this is how I fall on the subject, too. A.Geek’s (very valid) side never occurred because it worked well enough within the universe (to me). That’s kind of also how I felt about Raimi giving Spider-Man organic webslingers rather than have to deal with explaining how Peter Parker (a genius kid, I know) could make

I liked Watchmen and Batman v Superman, but also liked Ultron. It definitely wasn’t as good as the first Avengers, though. I don’t think they have to be mutually exclusive. I can like Daredevil and The Tick without my head exploding. :)