
“Even the latest monster had something to it; you could assume it was some golem-like mental manifestation.”

I started watching the second episode and I was kind of bored, too. I take it that it hasn’t gotten any better?

My first instinct is still to read BVS as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and not Batman v Superman. :)

I don’t know. I’m an old Star Wars fan who knew Harrison Ford wanted them to kill off Solo in Empire. That whole scene on the bridge I was thinking “he’s asking for the kind of help you don’t want to give.” That wasn't a surprise to me. Although I thought most people were really good about not spoiling it.

I still say it wasn’t keeping Kahn a secret that was the mistake. It was casting Cumberbatch as Kahn that was the mistake. If you want the bad guy to be Kahn then cast someone ethnically appropriate (i’ll even accept any person of color a la Ricardo Montalban). If you want to cast Cumberbatch then make him play

I really have a hard time watching the new X-Files and not thinking Mulder and Scully are meeting up with Jeff Winger from Community.

And Michael Mann can direct all of their campaign ads.

Maybe Leslie Mann could be his running mate. Then it would be Mann-Mann 2016.

Legally Green instead of Legally Blonde? ;)

It’s ok, everybody. I just ran down to my basement and my X-Men 1, 2, and 3 DVDs are still on the shelf where I left them. It looks like they weren’t erased after all. ;)

Ha! Just watched the season 6 ep How the Ghosts Stole Christmas. One of the best lines...

You gotta love when you finally get your own room. My younger brother and I shared a room forever then when I was in 5th grade we moved and I got my own room for the first time. Then I watched Night of the Living Dead for the first time and was lying in bed in my own room terrified all night. :)

My wife came to America in ‘95 from Germany to work as an au-pare for a year. She was a fan from watching it in Germany. I was a huge fan who would host season premiere parties. When we were first dating I may have picked her up for one of my premiere parties wearing a tie and a trenchcoat and a fake FBI badge. :)

I always accepted it thinking they did it through sheer numbers. I remember reading Leiningen Versus the Ants as a kid and it kind of terrifying me. This episode gave me the same kind of dread. How do you stop a swarm of ravenous bugs?

“...but it also fails to mention Benedict Wong, a Brit with Hong Kong heritage who Ridley Scott cast in Prometheus, plays Chiniese American in a supporting role.supporting role.”

Whoever was behind it, they wanted to create an ultimate Force-user, so they created a child from the greatest Force-user they had access to: Luke. Specifically, Luke’s hand.

No problem. I’m a librarian, so my first instinct is to treat this like a reference question. Must...find...answer...

Was it one of these?

That’s _exactly_ the scene I was thinking about while reading these comments. :)