
That’s the main reason I still have my old 32” tube TV. I have my PS2 and original X-Box hooked up to it. Much to my wife’s dismay.

While I understand what you mean, no one seems to be mentioning Officer Spivot unloading a clip into a seemingly unarmed man. It’s not like Barry captured Sand Demon and then arbitrarily executed him. Sand Demon had just used a deadly explosive and Barry was trying to stop him. I don’t think it was Barry’s intention

Ha! Thad made me think of this...

I wish I couldbe as positive as you, Charlie. I just can’t get excited about the show anymore I haven’t even bought season 8 on DVD and I own all the previous seasons. I thought the design of the Fisher King alien was interesting but he wasn’t very interesting as a character. They didn’t do a whole lot with him. And I

Oh, man. That was so damn funny. I just rewatched Age of Ultron last night. :)

Sorry. Couldn’t resist.

I finally got to see it this weekend, so I’m getting caught up on io9 reading. I loved the Project Elrond briefing. Having Sean Bean there was hysterical. It was such a good inside joke. :)

Season 8 was the first season I didn’t buy on DVD. Season 9 may well be the season that causes me to not care enough to watch. And I’ve been a Who fan since the early 80s. I was so psyched when it came back in 2005

Clara and Amy both annoyed the hell out of me. I think my biggest complaint about both of them is that they are both supposed to be normal 2010-2015 average humans thrust into this incredible situation and they both were made to be the Doctor’s equal right out of the gate. Unless the companion is another Time Lord a

Ha! I 100% agree with Mel. Less so with Tegan. :)

I really am only interested in the Doctor Who and Portal levels. I guess my biggest issue with this model is the physical space needed for the base game pad. I’d rather not have to clutter up my coffee table or TV stand with this thing just to play a video game. But all the reviews seem positive and I do love the


And that was back when it was just a sonic screwdriver. On New Who it is also the Doctor’s tricorder, communicator, and magic “whatever the story needs.” I think it has become too big of a crutch. They won't be able to give it up

I honestly thought that Missy somehow rigged the Dalek casing to not actually say what Clara tries to say to set up the situation at the end of the episode. If it was actually due to some kind of self-imposed Dalek inhibitor or something and I missed it it’s probably because the episode mostly bored me. You seem to

I can’t decide if I want to get this or not. I love the Lego games but the whole idea of having to buy a $100 base set with a stupid pad and figurine toys and then additional toys really irritates me. I just want to play Lego Doctor Who and Lego Portal and they are turning it into this whole in-game purchase thing

Now playing

It just makes me want to listen to Cibo Matto. ;)

I agree. I thought the LInDA group was fun. I enjoy the episode up until the last 5 minutes.

My own personal opinion is that last season was the weakest season of new Who so individual episodes may get tarnished by my dismissal of the season as a whole. I only really enjoyed Robot of Sherwood and Flatline. And i’m more excited for season 2 of The Flash than I am for season 9 of Dictor Who, something I never

Dark Water/Death in Heaven are in the Classics list?!? I’m now skeptical of this entire list.