
And this is why I’m not a fan of the Chris Pine Kirk. He comes across more as a legacy frat boy who lucked/was gifted his way into the Captain’s chair.

Hmmm...between your reply and TooManyJens I’m starting to suspect that I didn’t. I could have sworn I did, but my wife was losing interest towards the end and it made it more difficult to find time to watch it.

Did I miss something? I thought I watched it to the end. Don’t tell me they hooked up eventually.

I likd how in Warehouse 13 they never tried making Myka and Pete a couple. They were just really good friends and co-workers.

Nope. You’re not the only one. I loved the show, but I didn’t care one way or the other. I probably was against it in principle because of memories of Maddie and David and Moonlighting. Plus, I loved Mulder’s unabashed porn addiction. :)

I still think the later seasons of the show would have been better if they had just made a clean break from Mulder and Scully and let Dogget and Reyes have their own monster of the week adventures. Duchovny wants to leave the show? Fine. Mulder is in hiding, never to be heard from again. Done.

What movie is that from?

Hell, it made Gene Siskel’s “top ten” of the year for 1979.

“Pomme frites! Fries are pomme frites!”

One of my favorite time travel movies ever. I would totally watch this show. Of course, I said the same thing about 12 Monkeys (another of my favorite time travel movies) and I still haven’t had a chance to watch the recent show they made from that. It didn’t help that I don’t get the channel it was on.

I recognize that it isn’t great literature, but I thought it was fun and felt it was worth the time spent. I just read Armada while on vacation, on the other hand, and didn’t enjoy it nearly as much.

There he is! I was wondering how far down i’d have to scroll and if i’d have to post him myself. Always creeped me out. :)

“Jar-Jar Binks! I thought you were dead!”

I just recently re-watched Star Trek: Nemesis for the first time in a long time and I had no idea that was Tom Hardy as evil clone Picard. That cracked me up. And yes, Nemesis was still as bad as I remembered it.

Back in 1993 I tried getting out of a National Guard drill weekend so I could attend an event and get Spanky’s autograph but my commander wouldn’t let me. Shortly after Spanky passed away and my commander (who I was friends with) told me his first thought when he heard the news was, “I’m never going to hear the end of

I’m more excited for the new season of The Flash than I am for the new season of Doctor Who. I never would have predicted that. :)

Now playing

One of my favorite movies. I still quote this line after all these years. :)

I wish I could be excited for the upcoming season but i’m just not. That’s how disappointing the last season was. I haven't even bought it on DVD yet. :/

I almost did include it but figured two was enough to make my point. :) Plus I couldn't remember if Laverne & Shirley in the Army had any whacky sci-fi elements like the other two.