
By “screwed up twice” I hope you mean ASM 1 and 2. The Raimi movies were great (imo) and I still would rather watch SM3 than sit through either ASM. Hell, SM2 is consistantly identified as one of the best, if not the best, of the super hero movies of the 21st century superhero movie era (X-Men is considered the

Hodor vs Groot really made me laugh. :)

Coincidentally, I just re-watched X-Men 3 last week and the de-aged Professor X and Magneto still made me laugh. I almost wish they would pull a George Lucas and re-edit it with James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender in that scene. :)

For some strange reason, your comment made me think of the 1995 Outer Limits episode The Sand Kings which really creeped me out. I think it made me think of the two colonies of Sand Kings fighting for their “God” Beau Bridges. Up until just now when I Googled it to find out what year it aired, I had no idea it was

Hey!!! I thought the first rule of Ant Fight Club was you didn’t talk about Ant Fight Club!?!

You were right. I went on vacation the last week of May and finished it in about four days. :) I did enjoy it, too.

Yeah, those are from the booklet that came with my T1/T2 VHS collector’s box set. :)

Having the Terminator be a normal looking guy was the original concept for the first movie. But then they went with Arnold instead. :)

I’m so torn. The first trailer really got me psyched for this movie. But then the second trailer and its reveal of the John Connor “twist” kind of turned me off. But I love Arnold. I grew up watching Conan, Terminator, Commando, Raw Deal, Predator, Total Recall, etc. And seeing him back as the Terminator makes me feel

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I own on DVD and I enjoy all three Matrix movies and the Animatrix. I especially like The Matrix Reloaded for giving us this hysterical MTV Movie Awards parody. It cracks me up every time I see it.

But is it still a “twist” if the trailer GIVES IT AWAY?!? I was cautiously optimistic after seeing the first trailer. I have little to no interest after seeing the second trailer.

The Five Doctors was the 1983 20th anniversary special. Sarah Jane was included as the third Doctor’s anniversary companion. She had K-9 m3 at the beginning but when Sarah Jane was transported to Gallifrey he got left behind. Leela wasn’t in it. At the end of Leela’s last show, 1978’s The Invasion of Time, she stays

Wow. That’s all I can say. I’ve never seen the moving lips animation before. That’s totally creepy.

She also had K-9 in The Five Doctors anniversary special. And if you didn’t know about K-9 and Company you were like, “What the hell is K-9 doing with Sarah Jane??” Leela has K-9 mark I and Romana has K-9 mark II. :)

Or A Town Called Mercy. :)

With the possible exception of Robot of Sherwood and Flatline it was a pretty weak season. I also wasn’t all that impressed with season 7 to be honest. It maybe had two ok episodes, too.

I actually like Love and Monsters when I pretend the last 3-4 minutes don’t exist.

It looks like Harry Sullivan is missing, too. How can you leave off Harry Sullivan?? Or am I just not seeing him?

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The guy playing Luke kind of reminds me of a guy from The Frantics. I wonder if it’s the same guy. He sounds kind of like the guy who plays Ed Gruberman in Tai Kwan Leap. :)

And it’s possible Stucker made a copy (or copies) of Zola without Zola himself knowing. Each one would be self aware and think it was the original and only Zola. Kinda like the Moon clones of Sam Rockwell. :)