
Uh, oh. Are the aliens from Signs attacking? :)

Yeah, I thought it was an ok movie up until that ending that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. :)

When I think of Idiocracy I can't even think of a poop joke off hand. Of course, that could just mean that I have become so desensitized to poop jokes that they barely register. :) I don't mind a well-written poop joke. I do agree sometimes movies rely on them too much and are worse for it. I wanted to like Not

I get not everybody liked Idiocracy and I would never say something like "you just didn't get it". But I thought it had the social commentary in spades. I could easily see a TV show like "Ow My Balls" being on the air within 5 years. Things have only gotten worse since 2006 when it was made. And it was one of the

The movies on this list are either ones I have seen and loved (Sunshine, Idiocracy, Adventures of Baron Munchausen) or wanted to see but just haven't gotten around to it yet (Attack the Block, Slither, MST3K). The only one I hadn't heard about was Midnight Meat Train which I will now track down.

So it is based on the recent book? I was wondering that. I haven't had a chance to read it yet but it sounded great.

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I need to track the movie Moon Trap down and give it another try. I remember thinking it was terrible, but that was before I saw Evil Dead and and developed my man crush on Bruce Campbell. Maybe now I can appreciate it more. :)

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I still love Silent Running to this day. One of the things that totally helped sell it was Douglas Trumbull's decision to use amputees with no legs for the drones. I haven't watched the movie in a few years, I may have to pop it on tonight now.

I just want to go on record and say that I really hate when I have something to do and then io9 posts a really interesting article with fun comments that makes it impossible for me to drag myself away from my computer. I was supposed to go for a run 45 minutes ago.

I fully admit that _I_ was up in arms about Michael Keaton's casting. I was a big fan of Keaton's from Night Shift and Mr. Mom. When I heard the news my first thought was, "What?!? He should be the Joker! Look at his crazy, manic performance in Night Shift. Hell, look at those eyebrows!" But I saw it, and he killed as

I posted something similar a while back. The nipples were not my problem with the Schumacher movies. You can argue that as early as the first movie Batman molded his body armor to look look a human chest so people wouldn't realize he was wearing armor. Either so people would be more inclined to shoot center of mass at

I also think that some of the "funny" scenes had great commentary, too. When the hair care and grooming products were found to be poisonous and the news anchors suddenly had bad hair and pimples, it was funny but I found it closer to the "funny" commercials and news bits in Robocop.

I'll take the Ningi myself. Not literally, though. I'd have no place to put it.

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She lives in Canada. I met her at Niagara Falls. :)

I'm not familiar with The Twelve Dancing Princesses. Is there something about Girls at the Kingfisher Club that qualifies it as sci-fi/fantasy? I don't see any mention of anything fantastical in any of the descriptions I've read. I'm just curious. It has great reviews, so I've already ordered it for my library. I'm

When I saw him in Escape Plan I as like, "Damn. Dude's put on some weight." But now I know he was just prepping for his future role of Kingpin. :)

it's always sad to hear about guys getting screwed by their so-called friends or co-workers or the system, like Steve Wozniak getting screwed by Steve Jobs or Raymond Cusack getting screwed out of credit for the Daleks or this story.

I loved that movie. I love that one of the entries on the white board is just Kevin. :)

Let me guess, we're going to bring it back to Earth and it's going to return with an alien virus that triggers the zombie apocalypse. :)