I remember the Prius discussion on Warehouse 13. And wasn't there something about Twizzlers on W13, too? Or some snack that Myka couldn't get enough of? :) I remember it being really amusingly blatant. I think I just wrote that off as product placement, but I guess placement would just be something visible in the…
What would an in-show ad be? Is that different than product placement? I know that once Sci-fi and other channels started using more and more intrusive "bottom of the screen" ads for other shows while a program was on the less I watched. I like to be sucked into a show and those types of things take me right out of…
J.K. Simmons in the first episode of Oz. Damn.
I did go and watch DC Cab shortly after seeing your post. I thought it was still pretty funny. Adam Baldwin really was a stringy bean pole in that movie. :) And young Bill Maher looked like Breckin Meyer.
I would love to see D.C. Cab again. But I first knew him as My Bodyguard.
Spoiler Alert: Santa Clause DOESN'T appear to battle the aliens. Hope I didn't ruin anything for you.
Yeah, it really is both. I mean, the closing credits for ED2 say "the sequel to the ultimate experience in gruelling terror." But the beginning of ED2 also "reboots" for lack of a better term the beginning. Instead of four friends in a cabin, it's Ash and his girlfriend. You see Ash play the recording of the reading…
Actually, I only think of one word... "Groovy."
Doesn't anybody remember that the first Evil Dead movie didn't have the slapstick comedy and one-liners? That didn't start until the remake/sequel Evil Dead 2. I'll wager a Dead Guy Ale that Ash never utters the word Groovy in the first movie. The first movie was a straight horror movie.
I just posted something similar on a different board...
Holy crap. I have those Dakota North comics somewhere. I haven't thought about them in years. I always thought Dakota would be a cool name for a daughter if I ever had one. That was back in the mid-80s before Dakota Fanning. Not that it mattered. No kids for me. :)
And just for grins I just did a Google search for "doctor who white chicken alien" and paged through the results until something somewhat matching appeared. On page 3 of the results there is a website with the following post...
That is from the 1972 episode of Doctor Who called The Time Monster. The time monster in question (and in the photo) is called Kronos. :)
I wouldn't consider wearing glasses or even having those fancy bow-style prosthetic legs being enough to make you a cyborg. I hold to the "cybernetic organism" definition and glasses and other things are too low tech. Now cochlear implants and prosthetic limbs that interface with your nervous system? Ok, that I'll…
I remember re-watching Johnny Mnemonic about 5 years ago and in the scene where he says "I can store 80 gigs of data in my head" I remember laughing and saying "Big deal. I have a 160 gb iPod in my pocket. :)
Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the bra.
I was only marginally interested in this article. I'm so glad I read to the end and saw your comment and kaiser-machead's comment and photo. Totally made it time well spent. :)