
I don't think that the women I'm referring to are the ones commenting on AV Club. :)

That sounds amazing to me! It's kind of like a reference to Clara being in different portions of history. Can one can call that a reference? Maybe it's a call-back…

i think he just really wants to be ginger!

In some ways, I feel like it might have been necessary. So many fans (mostly girls) have already been complaining about his change and his age. I think that this was anticipated.

His first moment felt too rushed and confused. Though, the Doctor himself was confused. Clara was confused. So was the rest of the gang.
I think part of the brilliance with 11, is that he was established with Pond—only with Pond! He is alone with her for several minutes—without any other establishing factors except for

Honestly, that's where David Tennant came into his own in that first Christmas special. Although, he was barely in that episode.

You know, I never thought of it that way, but it's true. Smith felt like a grandfather in a young body in Season 5. Remembering him in the last season, it was more like a really young person going through dementia.