
She was really good! But you really have to watch the second season. She gets more material to play with, and she's great.

Watched Tiger Eyes, and it was really good! It's on Netflix, and it stars Willa Holland (Thea from Arrow), and Amy Jo Johnson plays her mom (we are all old!).

So, Bonnie will never get a storyline to call her own. Nice. (Also, the writers REALLY like to make people hate Bonnie even when she's right/she saves everyone)

So, Bonnie will never get a storyline to call her own. Nice. (Also, the writers REALLY like to make people hate Bonnie even when she's right/she saves everyone)

Yep, the director (I think? I'm not sure) says to the extras.

Yep, the director (I think? I'm not sure) says to the extras.

"No same-sex couples, please. Interracial is okay"

"No same-sex couples, please. Interracial is okay"