
That accelerated quickly. And then it really got out of hand fast!

Not open source, owned by BlackBerry. Also runs nuclear power plants, powers the space shuttles, International Space Station, national defence departments, hospital equipments, etc. Basically in many mission critical applications where literally, failure is not an option.

QNX also has over 50% of the infotainment

They wont. Car makers pride themselves in making infotainment a steaming pile of Cow Poo.

I never realized how draggy that tire package was...

They simply HAVE to get more power. Justifying a slow, overpriced car with “Well, it drives nice” isn’t cutting it these days.

yes...I have to admit it...I have a 2015 GT...and when I saw that on the first day of ownership I just shook my head. Ground speed...seriously...come on...

Tachy? Pretty sure that’s the speedometer

Ugh. I’m all for a bit of humor and having fun with your cars but this just reeks.

One model year only! One model year only!

Clean 3rd gens are always so refreshing because you never see them.

Haha yeah I feel like thats the best way to sort the matter out pretty quickly

Yeah this always baffled me. I was doing vacuuming at a free service clinic my dads job puts on once a year for anyone who has bought a car from them the last year (free oil change, inspection, interior vacuum and car wash).

“lol you’re a truck” - 911

I drive my 2012 daily, never had a problem once with visibility. Every day, though, I have problems with drivers who don’t look/drive/pay attention.

That’s how I learned how to drive a manual: balancing the car on a hill using only the clutch pedal, releasing it to roll back a bit, then catching it and rolling back up again - all without touching the handbrake.

Let me get this straight. America gets a reasonably priced 455 hp naturally aspirated V8 coupe and all anyone on this site has to say is meh, windows to small, no handbrake, looks the same as old one??? Man must be nice to have so many awesome choices to complain about. First world problems much.

It’s fairly dark inside of a Camaro compared to most other cars. Now, the real solution for blind spots is to drive faster than everyone else though. Never need to look behind if you never intend for them to get close to you.

Other companies make 3,000lb cars that don’t cost $90,000. You’ll need some backing for that argument. I can’t see why a 3,200lb 2+2 Coupe can’t be possible, especially with that light little cube of power.

Dear lord - the number of naggy vaginas picking at trivial or inconsequential features on this update is embarrassing. “B-b-b-but the high belt line will cause more accidents!” “ I know it comes with a manual but why did the show the automatic :-(?” “ E-brake means I can’t possibly do those handbrake turns that I

He he gm bail out...that’s what they all say but secretly they love Merica