
I wish they would have used the new 4.3L LV3 V6:

Wow, it stays very composed. Even on the bumps and rough areas.

My parents' neighbors just bought an F250 for around $52k. All I can think is "WTF?!" They don't use it or need it for shit, they just go to work and get groceries occasionally.

No Fox Mustang?! Or even a GM F-body?! I call bullshit!

They are big fat pigs for sure. We got the Perf Pack and have a livernois tune and exhaust. It feels much better than stock, still a huge fat car, but it is supposed to be. It is great for a one or 2 kid family though. We love it. Also, at least around Kansas City, we don't see many of them. That helps too.

97 was the best for the opti. They added a vent to keep the cap from drawing moisture. The early ones would condensate and short out. I got lucky on my 97. Plug went bad but had 110,000 so did a tune up of plugs and wires pulled water pump and the bearing fell apart as I sat it down on the bench.

Swing wings give me wood.

The shuttle is NOT a's a glider...

Now playing

I hate to say this but there are some decent ones on YouTube without crappy music blaring away, some of them actually have good commentary. Here is my all time favorite, it is well worth the watch if you are a diehard fan. Have you seen this one yet?

The Lancer has always been a favorite too, do you watch any documentaries on the plane?

Proud to be awful garbage! BOMBS AWAY!

This is a ludicrous argument. What are we, Great Britain now? We are the world's only Superpower for a reason and the Nimitz and Ford class carriers are part of the reason why. What do you want to do, fund Obamacare with the savings?

I would find it quite huomorous to see this fact (25 astronauts come from Ohio) worked into the Wikipedia page with a tongue-in-cheek connotation that it is somehow Ohio's fault for making them so motivated to leave the planet.

Seriously though, who wants a fair fight when going to war? You want it over a quickly as possible and short of throwing a nuke at a situation, overwhelming numbers and speed are the only way thats going to happen.

I'm sorry, but I like the idea of having 10x the military of the rest of the world...

Plymouth Prowler. Arguably pretty cool, hot-rod looks. But no V8

It's the "in" thing to do. Just like Aztek hate.

Ever feel we're becoming old men? "You kids and your fancy-schmancy Transformers get off my lawn! Why, in my day, we had REAL Transformers, none of this namby-pamby schlock you have now!"