
You missed my point entirely. But I may have explained myself poorly. Let me clarify.

None of these shows are about (or even regularly feature) lesbian characters. Not that that's anything to do with the point being discussed here.
The complaints I was replying to were mostly about how Steven Moffat somehow mishandled his characters' dealings with their own sexuality, and how the complainer, by virtue

So, what the AVClub it telling me, is that quantity is ultimately better than quality, and that the US tv production model is inherently superior.

As a person, I find the use of "As a" at the beginning of a post complaining about something, to be the epitome of everything that's wrong with the internet and how it's affecting human interaction. If your point had any validity whatsoever, it would stand on its own without you having to inform the rest of us that

BTW, I'd like to purchase the album but doesn't seem to be very straightforward if you live outside the US.

Even reading your account, which would be biased against Mike Lawrence if anything, makes me think the other dude got what he deserved. He was clearly a troll trying to stir shit up and that's what he got.