Mine haven’t stopped. I still have to tell mama on the phone what I think Santa *might* bring me. So she can tell him. I am 39. Help me.
Mine haven’t stopped. I still have to tell mama on the phone what I think Santa *might* bring me. So she can tell him. I am 39. Help me.
This will always be my favorite soup commercial purely because the little face at the end is a dead ringer for The Boy at that age.
Omg I actually remember that ad. SO well.
So different context. It was the late 1990's and early days in mobile communications. My now wife picked up my cell while I was in the bathroomand started to listen to my voicemail. One of those messages was from a lady and in her sweetest dulcet tones wanted to know when i’d be calling over.... that she had a hot…
If is small consolation, I’m sure, but there are a few Jezzies on here (myself included) that live in deep red areas. It is hard now, but here are two things that help me:
There is a lot of work to be done, and we need to keep 2018 (and 2020) in mind going forward. We need to keep winning elections like this to make congressional Republicans pee their pants come 2018 and 2020 (looking at you, Paul Ryan - I’m giving money to Randy Bryce and I don’t even live in your damn district!). The…
A trans woman defeating the guy who tried to pass a bathroom bill is the kind of poetic justice we need.
Plastic surgery to fix plastic surgery to fix plastic surgery to fix plastic surgery to fix plastic surgery to fix a perceived imperfection.
What the fuck is going on with his face? He looks like an android that got pulled off the production line before its skin had fully set.
I would have that photo printed large and professionally framed if I were her.
I’ve told this story before and forgive me, will tell it to the day I die. I double finger saluted Pence a few weeks after the election as I stood all by my lonesome on a corner waiting for his Motorcade of Assholery to pass me by so I could finish a run. IT FELT SO GOOD. Now I wish I had mooned him. Mother was with…
You actually watched the episode, so you have no place here.
Did anyone actually even watch that Beyond Stranger Things episode? She really didn’t seem to care too much about it. You’re really stretching for outrage here, AVClub.
Am I misremembering the discussion? Because I thought that Millie Bobby Brown was responsible for this, basically joking that if Eleven and Mike had to kiss, they would make Max and Lucas kiss. And then it spun out from there, Millie joking with Sadie about it and then after a bunch of ribbing it made it into the…
The Duffers in that Beyond Stranger Things episode came off looking obnoxious about this & I really do not think Sadie Sink was happy about the whole thing, especially them saying it was her fault for initially seeming freaked out about the prospect of the kiss, which them made them actually put it in the script.
I can’t believe that Kendall tried to steal Rihanna’s look.
The very existence of billionaires is an example of how our government and economic systems have failed.
I mean, holy shit, taking the fucking archives offline is brutal. There were incredibly valuable newsworthy things on that site, and now the only way people can access them is to go trawling through Archive.org and hope that the site captured the article at issue.
I’m over 40 and I still find it hard to believe that there was an actual person named Joey Buttafuoco.