
Nuance is forbidden in most conversations nowadays.

His wife is stupid and no cure for that. No concept of food quality or safety This isnt a case of non-sophistication but pure lunacy

Really ANY group of people.

Same here. I have a living room jungle thanks to Grandma & Ma’s houseplant offshoots.

Can you imagine the explosion of outrage had Jayapal called that idiot “old man”? She would have received whatever the Congressional equivalent of tarring and feathering is. Either that or they’d be calling for a witch burning.

Cause we can’t afford houses with yards?

I spent four years living with my grandparents (partly to help them out because they live half the year on the other side of the country and partly because they offered it to me rent free) and during that time I spent a majority of my free time tending to their indoor plants whenever they went out of time. I HATED

My baby boomer mother has been doing this since forever. Because her mother did it, too. So I’m really confused how this is a millennial trend or anything new or at all related to the generation you belong to? And also...they make your home look nice, keep the air fresh, and keep you healthier. Things that have been


Ugh. Everybody, let’s be clear: Businesses can refuse you service because “I don’t like your face” or “your t-shirt is offensive, change it or leave” (see SouthWest Airlines). They will, however, get in trouble with the law if every person whose face they don’t like happens to be brown, or if they just refuse service

Dear wedding cake bakers and florists:

To be fair, I get where they’re coming from. When my partner and I get married, we’re not going to be doing it for the enormous financial benefits, legal benefits or out of sheer love. We’ve decided we’re going to get married specifically so we can oppress the freedoms of Christian bakers. That’s just how we roll.

Motherfucker isn’t participating in a ceremony that violates his religious beliefs. He’s not officiating the damn thing. He’s not acting as the best man, or the ring-bearer, or the flower girl even. His end of it happens after said ceremony has already been completed. At most, he is providing part of the catering. 

Between the house plants and my desire to wear kaftans all the time, I think I’m just trying to design my life around a Three’s Company motif.

I think we all realized some time ago that Trump has no real agenda other than being the Grand Master of Ceremonies that only feature himself.

Plants have been important to people for three whole years?! Not more like the entire existence of our species? I’m glad journalists are clearing this up for us.

They are going to lose their mind when they discover how well those house plants are complimented by macrame. It’s glorious!

Millenials are achieving ‘girls bathroom’ levels of mystery and intrigue.

i work in a plant store in hollywood that has a staff of six people, 4 of whom (including myself) are in their late 20s and early 30s, and all of us hired within the last 2 years because the place where we work was actually doing fine without any of us for the past 3 1/2 decades until now. furthermore i don’t think

Hot P&P fanfic right here. 3000 words: