That fact makes me so sad. Like, you do you girl, honestly that’s fine, but I’m sensing a Michael Jackson trajectory with the cosmetic procedures. She looks fine now, but lord only knows what it’ll be like in 40 years.
That fact makes me so sad. Like, you do you girl, honestly that’s fine, but I’m sensing a Michael Jackson trajectory with the cosmetic procedures. She looks fine now, but lord only knows what it’ll be like in 40 years.
I’ve always had the impression that lip injections end up making people look awful about 99.99% of the time.
Okay, so you know how we all cringe when we look at photos from the early 90s with the heavy lower lid liner and the two-shades-darker lip liner, and we’re all like, “Oooh, honey, how did you not see how bad that looked?” We’re all going to be like that with these brows in 10 years. TOO MUCH, GIRL.
Kylie doesn’t even look like Kylie.
In Canada, all men named Ryan must impregnate their woman at the same time.
It seems people are really annoyed about the “I choose jobs that are fun” line? I don’t get it, she’s entitled to do that. It doesn’t have to mean she’s insensitive to those who aren’t so lucky, but it certainly isn’t a controversial thing to say.
wow, today’s pageant children make Jonbenet look positively fresh faced and normal.
Of course, it is just as weird and funny from the other side. All the old people read articles like this and think, “why do young people think all older people who work are somehow responsible for the hell we all have to work in now.” We certainly aren’t excited that companies have downsized and made all of us do the…
Earlier this evening, I read an article about how it’s awful to work with people my age, because we’re… something. It was unclear
I just clicked on it thinking “Oh, I have a funny story about a coworker overshare!” then I read two paragraphs and realized this was not going to be the place for those.
Show of hands: how many times has anyone here done or seen any of the following:
My theory is that they don’t understand who or what trans people are, they just know it’s “different” and has something to do with genitals and it scares them. It’s even scarier to them because a trans person CAN LOOK PERFECTLY NORMAL and can sneak their differentness into the bathroom stall right next to them. I…
“It’s not about discrimination against LGBT people, except for the parts that totally are. And don’t think about the parts that remove local minimum wage laws, because....hey look over there!”
I wouldn’t turn down a celebrity paycheck, but I’m often grateful to not be a celebrity with everyone always up in my grill about who I do/don’t work with, what I think of my colleagues, what I eat/don’t eat, etc.
Unless Jon Lovitz is the father, I’m not interested.
All this family does it act like they invented things drag queens have been doing for decades. Contouring, waist training, and now wigs.
We once thought that about Paris Hilton.