Any place you have to drive: not a real city.
Any place you have to drive: not a real city.
My hometown is Saginaw, MI which must get some credit for giving the world both Draymond Green and Stevie Wonder. It still doesn’t belong anywhere near the top 50 though.
It’s hot as the surface of the sun, it’s absurdly humid, and there’s the worst traffic in the world.
Yeah, who wants to be able to walk to everything you need when you can become obese, ruin the environment and kill 30,000 Americans every year while paying thousands in car payments, gas, insurance etc.
St Paul > Minneapolis
I did this when I lived overseas. Sure, there is an “English” pronunciation of my name, but in the Middle East the sounds are made quite differently. It was just easier to use their pronunciation (a gutteral ch) than mine. It eliminated a lot of confusion.
Why should I change my name? He’s the one that sucks!
every guy’s apartment i’ve been to, there have been no trash cans in the bathrooms. thank you for having tampons and i guess i’ll just put the trash in my bag.
Sounds like these guys had the experience of what it’s like to be 12 and not know how to deal with having a period. For real world adulting period having, I’d like for them to suddenly be so tired one day all they want is to nap. Then 2 days later feel like they have to eat every item of food they can find. Then the…
aww Kim’s old face!
The body and face are so different now, but the mindless bullshit remains the same.
He’s talking Lilly Pulizer. It was the 80s after all. He wasn’t wrong.
If the unappealing works of art at your school were not an assault on your very spirit the way that this deformed pterodactyl is on the fragile spirits of the students forced to gaze upon its baleful hideousness every day of their precious young lives, then I don’t think your experience is comparable and you should…
If my livejournal is any indication, yes I was this bad.
I like it. More importantly, I hate the students.