Hillary Clinton had Officer Pantaleo choke Eric Garner to death because he found the secret emails about Benghazi.
Hillary Clinton had Officer Pantaleo choke Eric Garner to death because he found the secret emails about Benghazi.
Can you imagine a world where murder was the acceptable response to any instance of misinformation, real or perceived?
Welcome to vanity sizing! I think it partly has to do with psychology. Like, people can say “I’m a size whatever!” and feel good about themselves. It is frustrating, but at least online a lot of times you can find actual measurements to go with the sizes.
Yeah, she is full of hot shit if she says she wears a 6-8. I’m the same shape and weight as her, maybe a couple inches shorter, and I wear a 10 on a good day.
Yeah, I agree with that, I’m about her size and I generally wear a 10-12. But all the same, I don’t consider her “plus” sized, I consider her to be average. (Yes, for a MODEL, she’s “plus” sized, but she’s not a model). If we have to label everyone, maybe we need to start calling models "minus" sized.
New bumper sticker for all the southern legislatures:
Oooooh! North Carolina is going to have to choose between God and money..... I’m holding my breath on which one they are going to pick....
The sad part is that this is the only way this kind of legislature will be defeated. Because for the right wing it goes like this....
Rule 1: Never tweet.
I don’t think anybody would be criticizing Charlize if she was opening up about depression or talking about how she’s been sexually harassed. There’s a pretty big difference between those experiences and complaining about not getting the roles you want in movies because you’re too gorgeous. The former are common…
I don’t agree that beautiful people have it easy. My friend is one of the most naturally-stunning, pleasant people to be around. She’s naturally tall and thin and just hit the genetic jackpot in general. Men have been preying on her since she was a child. On a regular basis, I watch women give her dirty looks and men…
Why are we so insistent on false modesty here? She knows she’s attractive. This doesn’t sound like bragging to me. I could totally see where the flipside of being expected to be gorgeous for so many of the roles out there for women in Hollywood is that you get pigeonholed into those roles. Yeah, she was in Monster and…
Let’s not be too harsh on Charlize for acknowledging the sexist Catch 22 in Hollywood for women. You have to be gorgeous to first get into the industry, but then when you want to take on a serious role you are deemed just a pretty face who only got her previous roles because you are hot and/or fucked the director or…
That’s a ripe load of bullshit. The Daily Mail chose to use two different terms in their article, and it’s no mistake that they chose to use the term with negative connotations for her and the term with more neutral connotations for him. This kind of thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
Filler, not Botox. I mean, I think her face has both, but for the lips, filler only.
He was headed to Oakland after learning that the rent on his doghouse had been jacked up to $2900/month.
Rocco Ritchie referred to himself as a “son of a bitch” in a recent Instagram post.
“Okay, but which part of the western culture ideals can account for the 1 in five women who are raped and the 6% of rapist to ever actually serve time?”