I wish short-shorts for men would make a comeback. Moar butts! Less 90s bagginess!
They don’t have to make fun of feminism! The blog is about celebrities, gossip, and fashion. There’s plenty of material there. I actually like the concerntroll angle Petchetsky took on Kendall Jenner dating a Laker. I think they’ll find their feet.
New Orleans Pelican Luke Babbit took health goth to new heights
the other day i was in a store and that song came on and as i was looking around - singing along barely at the bottom of my voice, as one is wont to do anytime one hears bohemian rhapsody - i realized that every other person in the store and the people who worked there were also lowkey singing along too
I KNOW!!! If this was a 1990s dating game show my choices would be down to Gothy guy with the flowers and Alternative Rocker in the vest with guitar. Guy in the beret would have been kicked out in the previous round for being just a bit too much of a pretentious asshole
Wait... they just stole that money... why they throwing it away!?
God I wish my job was to look bored and fabulous. Instead I often look bored and haggard for free.
All we wore were doc martens, man. We couldn’t handle a heel any higher!
My mom totally sucks. And the prom committee had NO CLUE that the club was a gay club when they booked it. I would guess that the majority of the people who were at the prom had no idea what the giant pink triangle on the dance floor and the massive rainbow flag hanging above the bar were all about.
Watching Seinfeld always cracks me up because in addition to Elaine, who was pretty much always in an ankle-length skirt and huge blazer, all of the women were dressed in such a dumpy manner, really. Lots of pleated khakis and mock turtlenecks. And these were Jerry’s “hot” girlfriends.
You looked great, though the outfit apparently needed a choker...
So I was going to say, “Wow that’s crazy. That’s about the age of my little girl, and I can’t even imagine!”
The ones with sesame oil and/or wasabi on them are delicious too.
Sometimes I think pay equality should be universally enforced across all sport genres irrespective of ratings. Maybe that will then force the powers that be to actively promote female games from a young age and we would finally see some equality in sport. Money talks after all.
HOLY CRAP. You know, you can get nice realistic cast skulls on Amazon. You don't have to keep some family from finding out what happened to their kid.
Now I’m confused because Europe uses the metric system; maybe I’m only a 6 in America, but it converts to a 10 overseas?
I don’t think the Fresh Prince or Cosby franchises were as much about being black as something like Black-ish, though. They were groundbreaking because they positioned black people within the worlds familiar to white audiences. They were popular in part because they showed black people doing “normal” things. These new…