Margaret Atwood was a fucking prophet.
Margaret Atwood was a fucking prophet.
I have never worked at an office where this would not apply.
I remember it like it was yesterday, we all gathered around the Picture Box and prayed.
In the medical field you probably become desensitized quickly and aren’t always associating an ailment or procedure with an actual person who has dignity...even though that precisely what you should be doing (patients = human beings =\= fodder).
Big talk, small stalk
Anderson Cooper was on fire last night! I hope more journalists will take his cue and follow up with the nonsense that Trump and Cruz spout all the time. The Washington Post’s The Fix is starting to do it, but many journos still feel the need to appear “neutral” when they really just need to be impartial.
I feel like I’m living in a perpetual Twilight Zone episode. Every day I have an increasing sense of dread and dismay coupled with a vague feeling that I must be dreaming.
God forbid he move to Oakland.
Really? If the only issue that matters to you is “the drone war,” which will continue no matter who is president, then I guess your view of suffering is limited to only what happens in a war zone. I guess your definition of a good progressive is someone who doesn’t give a shit about other people unless a drone is…
The fact that he’s 25 is what makes this acceptable to him. Once he hits his 30's he’ll look back and be like “I can’t believe I fucking lived in a box for $400 a month just so I could live in San Francisco.”
How do his roommates explain this when they bring friends over? “Oh, that’s just Peter, he lives in the sideboard.”
“It was a warm day...and the scent of croisants wafted through the air.
I’m getting a little cranky about the anger at “establishment politics.” I totally agree with a lot of the criticisms, but it’s not like politics is something that people are just inherently amazing at (usually). Part of being an effective politician is knowing how to play politics and knowing who to talk to - and…
People who want to make sure they have an ideologically pure voting record at the expense of real people getting hurt by letting a Republican win really make my heart hurt.
I can understand why a lot of these under-30 Sanders supporters are under the delusion that America will “finally wake up” if Trump or Cruz are elected instead of HRC, but there’s no excuse for people as old as Susan Sarandon.
Seriously thank you for saying that. This whole pure white dove shit about Bernie is bat shit. You can’t be in politics and be a pure white dove.
Yeah, Susan, the idea is to progress without The Actual By God Blood-in-the-Streets Revolution. You want Trump picking some Supreme Court justices and pushing the entirety of progress back by a couple generations?