figure out who the richest ones are and ruin their businesses
Drew Brees would like a word.
Dipshit shooter can say whatever he wants. He’s 21 years old. He was 17/18 when Trump announced his campaign. He was 10 when Trump started his racist “birth-certificate” crap. The GOP was a white nationalist party before he was born. Fuck Trump and everyone who’s ever had a kind fucking word to say about him.
Antifa crisis actors disrepecting the troops again for Soros-Nike money smh
“Cult 45’ers”
in conclusion, republican cop loses his ability to... massage the law when his subject isn’t a fifteen-year-old pakistani kid
We are not your mammies who wipe your individual or collective asses when you all decide to shit the bed. Quit demanding Black women save you from yourselves!
Worthless deplorable subhuman garbage.
One of the finest hours of tv ive seen. That was amazing.
does he call the restaurant Chick-fil-B or nah
It’s like Dr. King always said, “No one knows what qualifies as racist as well as elite white conservatives who don’t know a single person of color.”
It was always going to come to some stupid shit like this, right?
Man, the grays are really shitting themselves over this one.
The crowd really went cuckoo for Coco Gauff.
How to Sundown in 5 Easy Tweets.
Just because a lot of the mumble rap out there FEELS like an assault on the ears
Be poetic, go full teabag
They’re practically asking for you to spit in their food if they proudly display any ICE insignia.