
Funny you don’t keep that same energy for POTUS, Ben Roethlisberger, Weinstein, or literally anyone who isnt Greg Howard or looks like him in some way. QWhite interesting. 

Well at least with this one you know which eye to look at...

I don’t know why anyone (who’s not a lying Repugnicon scumbag hypocrite) would ever doubt that Ingraham’s Nazi salute was intentional, because it obviously was!

Diva Braun.

Should have mentioned that “red flags” is 15 pages long. I think the ultimate failure of the Administration (not the head cheeto, he’s a whole other kind of failure) is that they aren’t smart enough to realize that after a quarter of a page of “red flags” you stop the vetting and move people into the “Hell nah”

Or this is the real Evangelical Christianity. And can be attributed to all the extremist forms of Abrahamic religions around the world.

This is going to be an ongoing post- like Uncle Milty and his GOOD JOB GUN NUTS posts.

Aaaaand this is what makes Biden smart for sucking up to the GOP donors... These fools are there for the taking, waiting to be harvested & parted from their money. Without Clinton as a nemesis to stick pins into, their hollow little hearts just ain’t in it.

Unpopular opinion: Let it crash. Fuck them.

for skee-ball I always just shoved my little nephew in the corner behind the side panel (he was very small...) and tossed the balls to him.

Bricktop allows this.

Hope Solo sure has a lot of beef.

 You really triggered the homophobic trolls hard with this one. 

Unfortunately Scientology has considerable power as well. And they like, actually enslave and torture people. Mainstream Christians gave up on that years ago! Strictly speaking from an existential perspective, it’s disheartening and I lose at least a modicum of respect for someone when I find out they’re actively

“I expected him to act like a gentleman,” said Ms Orr, “and use curses and fisticuffs only against Democrats, queers and illegals.”

I know. I am truly at a loss about this year's election. I mean, he is OBJECTIVELY better than a Republican. But I don't think he deserves to be reelected when he sells out the people who put him there. The only thing that may get me there voting for him is that I know the Republicans in our legislature did this in an

You know there is no coming back from this, right America?

Megan’s mad that the US Navy is profiting off her family’s name.

Hey Jacko, before you call other people idiots for rightly criticising your favorite right-wing shortstop, maybe you oughta brush up on your reading skills. The source is the court documents directly, not some shit BuzzFeed made up. Take it up with the vandal and his child bride, they're the ones making the claim.

The alt-right are radicalized, white, right wing terrorists.